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    Why is Pres Trump trying to unscrew the financial hold China has had on the US .....that no other President has had the balls to do?

    Favourite answer:

    Trump is simply a business negotiator looking for a win-win deal. In a free market, it is common for businesses to attempt to seize control of their market, attempting to form a monopoly where there is no more competition to fight against. Governments play referee to break them up. Trump believes the U.S. has something to negotiate with and is simply attempting to break up the monopoly China is headed for.

    11 Answers2 years ago
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    Do you agree with Adolf Hitler? Are government schools great places to indoctrinate children???

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    Let me control the textbooks and I will control the state!

    9 Answers2 years ago
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    I kept being blocked from “Quora,” and now I made another account, and now, I’m worried. Am I okay?

    On the website “Quora,” my account has, once again, been disabled. I kept being blocked from “Quora,” and now I made another account, and now, I’m worried. Am I okay?

    7 Answers2 years ago
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    How many young kids live in North Carolina?

    How do Little Kids get an education in North Carolina, if North Carolina has fewer Teachers than the National Average, due to Legislatures and Democrats not agreeing with teacher pay raise rules, which is shying Public Primary School Teachers away?

    6 Answers2 years ago
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    Why can’t we learn how to forgive others?

    Why is forgiveness so hard? Why can’t we ever learn how to forgive others, whether it is a lady forgiving a man who harasses her on “FB,” and she said if you don’t stop, I will call the police on you, or why can’t angry employees learn how to forgive their customers for something like “Filming” in public, or whether it is “Facebook” blocking you from creating new accounts, because a man has created new accounts, also, why can’t people learn how to forgive criminals, and instead of police officers taking criminals to jail, why can’t they forgive them, and trust them that they will not break the law anymore to move on, or why can’t politicians learn how to apologize to citizens as we forgive their greed over people? Why can’t society ever learn forgiveness and why can’t humans ever learn how to apologize and move on? You see, if you believe in the Bible, which I do, the Bible says if you commit a trespass, thus shall forgive you of your sins. Jesus Christ forgives us, then, why can’t we forgive each other the way that Jesus taught us how to forgive?

    10 Answers2 years ago
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    Why can’t State Legislatures admit that they are bad people for their citizens and apologize?

    Why can’t the Republican Controlled Legislators in districts like the North Carolina General Assembly take a heed to their selfishness and why NC is mad?

    Why can’t the Republican Controlled Legislators in North Carolina apologize for their bad coequal behavior to their how angry their citizens are at them for their unconstitutional behavior, and why can’t they take a heed to that instead of them? Why do they want to be so selfish? Why do Republicans rule? Why can’t they admit that they are above the law, and why can’t they admit that they are bad people, and they don’t want to keep “******* up” their citizens with their powers, and why can’t they admit that they are powerful people?

    4 Answers2 years ago
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    Name 12 countries you think almost everyone or most people know something about because they are very known?

    Favourite answer:

    United States

    United Kingdom












    6 Answers2 years ago
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    What might happen if you drink Clorox?

    Favourite answer:

    You will die.

    5 Answers2 years ago
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    Why does North Carolina have a lack of a normal population growth the way that other states these days have?

    Why is North Carolina so bad and why does nobody want to flock in to my state?

    4 Answers2 years ago
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    What would a World without violence be like?

    Imagine a World where sin, evil, wars, crimes, punishment, atheism, crazy laws, corruption, bullying and harassment, jail, police brutality, arguments and fights,theft, robbery, Hell, political power, money, greed, “Rape,” “Racism,” and murder did not exist, Marxism, Dictatorship, anti-Semitism, Socialism, stealing, arrested, court order, protests, jealousy, selfishness, hunger, religion, Technology and Social Media bans, and imagine a Heaven-like Earth, and imagine a World where only Love and Peace and happiness existed?

    25 Answers2 years ago
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    Why can’t lawmakers understand that their bigotry has a price?

    When it comes to lawmakers, why can’t they think before they pass laws that will come with a price, and why can’t they think to themselves what may be political to “Me” is lives to everybody else! Maybe it’s best that I think of my citizens instead of my selfish greed and my money! Like Donald Trump! Why can’t they think of that first before they act? The majority of them before they make stupid decisions?

    5 Answers2 years ago
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    What is America’s most popular place?

    Favourite answer:

    Grand Canyon is pretty up there. The Smithsonian, also. A half dozen cities just for character.

    10 Answers2 years ago
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    Do your home’s natural gas pipelines connect to your sewage pipes inside your home?

    Do gas pipes that run to your home’s meter connect to the water heater inside your home that connects to the city sewer, your toilet, the showers, and to your sink and bathtub?

    8 Answers2 years ago
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    When will North Carolina’s Schools and Teacher Pay get back to National Average?

    Favourite answer:

    North Carolina had arguably the best school system in the southeast. Then the Republicans in the state legislature started dismantling it. Things will only change when people stop putting Republicans in charge. They don't believe in public education.

    4 Answers2 years ago
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    Are Schools in North Carolina suffering?

    Favourite answer:

    alot of kids are becoming home schooled here

    5 Answers2 years ago
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    Why do Legislatures think only of themselves?

    Favourite answer:

    Power... plain and simple. The longer a politician is in office the more likely he/she is to be more concerned with increasing his power base. It might interest you to know that statistically, ethics violations against Congresspeople tend to increase dramatically after they have been in office for 20+ years.

    That's why we need term limits for Congress.

    3 Answers2 years ago