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Anonymous asked in Business & FinanceCareers & EmploymentLaw & Legal · 3 months ago

Does My Job Have To Pay Me For Mandatory Training?

I work as a direct support professional, working with mentally handicap patients in the state of California. My job requires me to have a certification/training outside of work on my own time in order to work there. The training is 8 hours long and mandatory to have this training within 6 months of hire or you can be terminated. Should I be paid for mandatory training outside of work or is it not against the law to not pay your workers for outside training? Also, if I do get paid for the training, is it considered overtime pay if I'm working an 8 hour shift and doing 8 hours or training within the same day?

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 months ago

    No, it cannot be accrued as overtime. They are giving you time to get certified to continue your employment with them. They don't have to pay you, but they may pay for the training course, which would be helpful. 

  • a
    Lv 4
    3 months ago

    I guess there's no need to pay you for your training, just as a school system where a teacher works doesn't pay for her college four years previous.

    It would seem like something you could deduct on your taxes.

  • 3 months ago

    No.  Training is UNpaid, most of the time.

  • Alex
    Lv 6
    3 months ago

    In some professions, such as information technology, people will literally beg for training to be paid for by a company, even if that means going through the training on our own time. 

  • 3 months ago

    There are many jobs that require mandatory training.  Better jobs often require academic qualifications too.  Many of these trainings are regulatory.  When I worked in the financial services industry I had to pass 6 different regulatory exams with both the study and exam done outside my normal work hours.  The good news was that the firm paid for the study books and exam and both were fully transferable to the next firm I worked for.

  • 3 months ago

    The answer has not changed since yesterday.

    If the training is related to solely your company = yes, you need to be paid for training.

    If the mandatory training is required for you to "have" your job and everyone that has your job in your company and every other company in the State of California = no, you don't need to be paid for training.

    ** It's what you do to KEEP your job. 

  • Anonymous
    3 months ago

    Its not ot, i know that.  And they can require you to have the training before being hired on your own dime but my guess is most would pay.  If you have not even started and are looking for ot for training, my guess is you won't have any job long.

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