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Lack of Work unemployment?

I work for a greenhouse and my boss continuously gives me days at a time off after guaranteeing me 40 hours, it started with a few days here and there but then it was a full week because there wasn't any work. Last night she texted me and said she is laying everyone off due to lack of work for at least another week or two and told me to file for unemployment. Here's the issue I see with that, it's seasonal work, we only work there 4 months out of the year and so far it has only been two, from my knowledge you have to work 18 weeks in the same company to file for unemployment. Would I be eligible to receive benefits while I'm out of work because of this or what can I do? Obviously I am looking for other work opprotunities in the mean time but this was sudden and unexpected and at no fault to my own. is there any options for me?

5 Answers

  • 3 weeks ago

    They are running a business.  The pandemic has severely impacted nearly all businesses and they are trying to adapt to make it through.  You can't be guaranteed 40 hours a week when they have no business coming in.  Start looking for a different job. 

  • 3 weeks ago

    If you aren't working other jobs the rest of the year, you probably will not be eligible for unemployment.

    Unemployment has different requirements in each state, but it's always based on total jobs during the base period, not solely your current job.

    if you haven't worked much since the season ended last year, you are probably not eligible for benefits.  This has nothing to do with your current employer having your back or not.  The current employer can't get if you benefits if you don't qualify. 

  • 3 weeks ago

    I would certainly file for unemployment because the worst they can say is no, and I think it is quite possible you will qualify.  Good luck for your finding another job - there are a lot of opportunities right now for picking up work because businesses are reopening and lots of people would rather sit at home collecting benefits than work for the same or less money.  Beat them to the jobs.  

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    Your boss is telling you that she's got your back covered at the unemployment office  (ie when they check your claim with her, she will back-up the lack-of-work reason) . . . . she's done all she can for you.

  • 3 weeks ago

    File for unemployment benefits asap.   You will never know unless you try.   Keep copies of EVERYTHING.   Take extensive notes.  

    Continue looking for other means of employment.   

    Source(s): life!
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