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Anonymous asked in Business & FinanceCareers & EmploymentLaw & Legal · 4 months ago

Can my job look inside my nose? and if I refuse can they fire me?

I got a piercing done in my septum, my boss saw it as I was sitting in my car after work (not even clocked in) and told me I needed to take it out completely when I work or I would be fired. I told him that is not happening as I just paid for it and its literally screwed in and extremely painful to move. Long story short he said take it out, quit, or you get fired. I told him I got it professionally removed because it was so painful to do my self. (I didn't) I got a piercer to insert a clear one that you could not see whatsoever except for in the hole. He literally and I quote said, "Unfortunately I will have to make sure your piercing is out before I let you come back" Is he going to look inside my nose? because like wtaf! is there any legalities I can use or something I can say? If he looks in my nose there's a 50% chance he's going to see the clear end.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    He isn't going to visually climb inside but he will look at your nose and he will likely see in, depending on what your nostrils look like.  He has a right to fire you.  You are representing his company when you work there and he has a right to determine who is fit to do that and who is not.  Obviously, you are far too immature to be working in a professional environment.  Do him and yourself a favor and quit - if he says the nose thing is still not acceptable.  You will be fighting a losing battle and you will end up looking really stupid.

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago


    Attachment image
    Source(s): I'm sure he's only asking because he's diabetic and needs some sugar. In any case, that sounds like quite the government problem you got there.
  • 4 months ago

    I don't think he's physically going to physically look up your nose although an employer may legally enact and enforce dress codes for the workplace and piercings are commonly not allowed. He can terminate you should he see it on you

  • ?
    Lv 5
    4 months ago

    just take the nose ring out! 

  • 4 months ago

    Yes he can. Employees represent the business.  Nose piercings are against the rules for a reason.  Accept that. 

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    You're a moron.

    You do not have to remove it. 

    They do not have to continue your employment.

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    How much do you want to stay employed? That's what it boils down to. Of course he can fire you. If you have it in at interview they would have turned you down. It strikes me that you lack a deal of common sense. But it's your choice of course.

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    either you remove it and keep the job or find another job is about what the situation is

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