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Anonymous asked in Computers & InternetSoftware · 1 week ago

What could be wrong with my PC? Bonzi Buddy always caused some mischief, but now the system randomly crashes and reboots.?

Bonzi Buddy running on windows XP always caused some problems on my pc, but it was amusing so I put up with it.

I have the Microsoft plus digital media edition with the desktop dancers thing. I have the Amanda one that came with Microsoft plus and tried to download more but Microsoft no longer offered them.

I found a site offering Jamie and Amber a Lindy hopping duo animation for my desktop. The file was named JamieXAmbyr.msi 

It said that this was created by MovingMoment Software and after downloading it it worked like it said it would and was an amusing animation for the desktop.

A day later the computer got VERY slow and apps would often show error messages and crash. My hard drive space got almost full and the pc became to the point where it ran for 15minutes gave a blue screen and restarted and then ran another 15minutes and restarted.

What might fix this PC?

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