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? asked in Computers & InternetSoftware · 1 week ago

What is Screen recording?

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago
    Favourite answer

    Screen recording as it sounds, is the process of recording your screen in real time. Whatever you are doing on your PC/laptop will be recorded and transformed into a video file so that you can use it for future use/reference. The audio input is taken on user's choice i.e. either from system or from mic. Advanced Screen recorders like ScreenRec and OBS also add a thumbnail of the presenter (video recorder) and record it from cam. To understand the process of screen recording visit

  • 1 week ago

    It is the ability to make a video recording of your what is happening on your computer's screen.  It is used, for example, when someone wants to make an instructional video about how to run a program or do a process on the computer.  They start a recording, do the process, and then save the recording.  Usually you can add audio to it while you are recording.

    Gamers will often use it to record game.  They the share it will others who like to play the game, or want hits and cheats to get through the game.

  • 1 week ago

    True to its name, ma'am, it's recording what's on the screen of your computer/tablet/phone.

    If you'd indicated which device you wanted to know about Screen Recording from, I'd have looked to see which programs/applications are available to you.  (Many phones MAY already have an in-built App to carry this out.)

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