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Anonymous asked in Pregnancy & ParentingAdolescent · 2 months ago

Why are 19 year olds still considered teens?

I get the are still in their teenage years but they are adults who have a job and are independent.

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago
    Favourite answer

    Where I live 19 year olds are considered adults in every way. Move to Australia..

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    it's in the name. nineTEEN. idiot. 

    and just because someone is 19, doesn't mean they have a job or are independent. these days, it's quite the opposite. 

  • L
    Lv 5
    2 months ago

    Because they are nineTEEN, however, they do become adults at 18-years of age.

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    Not all 19 years have jobs, nor are they independent. Some are still in high school, in fact, while others are attending college full time and either not working at all, or only working part time while they're in school. So it makes sense.

  • Rita
    Lv 6
    2 months ago

    A teenager, or teen, is a young person whose age falls within the range from 13–19. They are called teenagers because their age number ends with "teen".

  • 2 months ago

    The number is nineTEEN so yes. 

  • Smart
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    Well they're not in their 20s and aren't preteens so there's that.  

  • 2 months ago

    nine teen...................

  • 2 months ago

    People don't all mature at the same rate in all pre-war. While prosecuters insist on charging 18-19 year olds as adults, many in their 20s could as well be charged as juveniles.

    Also, after WW II, parents started clinging to to their offsprings' childhood, preserving the image of them being "teenagers" as long as possible rather than as the "young adults" they were commonly thought of pre-war.

  • 2 months ago

    Jeff Besos has 150 billion. Marc Fuckerberg 60 and ex Crack Dealer Jay Z 50 million. You are making up your own independence BS.

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