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Anonymous asked in Social ScienceOther - Social Science · 3 months ago

Do you hope for a better society after COVID 19 is finally over?

I hope to see a society with LESS crime, antisocial behaviour and promiscuity,


MORE charity, kindness and good neighbourliness. 

Do you share my hopes?


1st Answer [with eye avatar] You misread my hopes, I said LESS promiscuity.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 months ago
    Favourite answer

    I do indeed share your hope for a better, and kinder world. Have a good day !!

  • 3 months ago

    You are describing post-war America that gave white people a head start that those very white people put signs up in the yard of those very houses, all the while snickering behind the back of black people for not behaving like them, aristocrats. 

    So yes, I'm fully aware that what will happen is we will give black people hand outs and they will become smug yuppies and in another 80 years, it'll be the Chinese's turn. In the words on an old Australian lady ".... same ****."

  • ?
    Lv 6
    3 months ago

    Sadly, the Bible prophesies something different. According to 2 Timothy 3:1-5 "But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, 3 having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, 4 betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, 5 having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power; and from these turn away."

    The last days will end when Jesus Christ takes full control of the earth as King of God’s Kingdom, a heavenly government.—Daniel 2:44.

  • 3 months ago

    COVID - 19 will never be over.  We'll live with it like TB, malaria, HIV/Aids, etc..


  • Anonymous
    3 months ago

    Yes. I wouldn't say exactly promiscuity, but if you want to sleep around then talk to your partner or let the people know who you are sitting around and having conversations and opening yourself to and with that it's not like what they think. But at the same time I can't blame people, because we don't get a lot of chances to open up and be ourselves, it's liberating. And don't go around telling people you are the only for them when you are not if you are that type of person

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