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Can I convert my Diesel Indica Car in LPG ?

I have an Diesel Indica Car (V2 model). Can I convert it into LPG driven Car ? What will be the cost and how can I change it ?

3 Answers

  • !
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favourite answer

    No, you can't. It might be converted to CNG (compressed natural gas, practically methane).

    Only gas-fueled cars can be converted to LPG (propane-butane mix).

    In either case, you need a specialized shop, proper parts and experienced labor. Check the costs first, the whole operation may not be economically sustainable for a small car.

  • 8 years ago

    of course , just get a new LPG engine . Cost will be equal to buying a new LPG engine car

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago


    You can not change your car into LPG its can be that you will change it in CNG but not in LPG.

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