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I'm Superman! Really

  • Why do I get terrible headaches every evening?

    I get terrible headaches every evening or by late afternoon. The headache lasts for a few hours. It subsides by late night before I can go to bed. This has been happening for more than 15 - 20 days now.

    The headache is so severe that movement becomes less desirable and sometimes impossible and I just wish to lie down. While my head keeps aching, lights irritate me so does music or any type of noise. I don't have any other symptom to support the cause of headache like fever or cold, sleepiness, etc. I feel healthy and fine during the day. It's just in the afternoons or evenings even though I'm at home, going nowhere, eating nothing unusual, not tensed.

    I have bipolar disorder, but I'm not on any medications at all for a very long period. What can be the reason? What can I do to control it?

    2 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Why do I get terrible headaches every evening?

    I get terrible headaches every evening or by late afternoon. The headache lasts for a few hours. It subsides by late night before I can go to bed. This has been happening for more than 15 - 20 days now.

    The headache is so severe that movement becomes less desirable and sometimes impossible and I just wish to lie down. While my head keeps aching, lights irritate me so does music or any type of noise. I don't have any other symptom to support the cause of headache like fever or cold, sleepiness, etc. I feel healthy and fine during the day. It's just in the afternoons or evenings even though I'm at home, going nowhere, eating nothing unusual, not tensed.

    I have bipolar disorder, but I'm not on any medications at all for a very long period. What can be the reason? What can I do to control it?

    14 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • Are cravings normal in bipolar mania?

    I had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder a few years ago. I had been on medications for a long time until I started abusing some of my medicines and some other drugs. I then decided to stop visiting my psychiatrist and have been off medications as self decision.

    I have noticed that when I'm not depressed, I get strong cravings to abuse drugs and get high even though I feel high even without drugs. I've also ended up overdosing on several occasions.

    I also get these sudden bursts of hunger where I get obsessed with thoughts of eating out in expensive restaurants and I end up spending a lot in the finest restaurants around.

    Does this happen to everyone with bipolar disorder? Is this happening to me because I'm off medications? I used to abuse drugs even before I had seen a psychiatrist until I was admitted. I have been off medications for almost two years now and I feel I'm managing quite well. In this two year period it's just at times that I end up spending a lot, overdose on some benzodiazepines and have made a few minor suicide attempts. There are some other minor issues as well.

    4 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Do you think Edie Sedgwick was probably bipolar?

    Well, I've read about Edie Sedgwick and also saw a movie based on her called 'Factory Girl'. She had been under psychiatric care several times in her lifetime but no one mentioned her being bipolar.

    Taking into consideration that she used to spend a lot, abused drugs, had been through unwanted pregnancy, was talkative and a socialite, was very creative and also had depression. To me, this all sounds like she was bipolar.

    Do you think she had bipolar disorder? Or do I feel so, just because I have bipolar?

    Thanks :)

    1 AnswerMental Health9 years ago
  • Why would anyone want to live this life?

    Hi! I'm 23 m, and my life is nothing other than that of a consistent loser.

    I'm broken to the point that I have no faith in myself at all.

    I have ADD along with cyclothymia(Bipolar) and schizoid personality. I have never achieved anything worthy in my life. I used to be a bright kid in school. But ever since college started I've been failing. All my once upon a time friends are working in multinational companies and I'm at home with no decent job. I've been giving the same exams for more than 4-6 attempts now and yet just failing.

    I never feel the motivation to participate in sports or activities. I'm not even good at anything.

    I cannot talk to anyone or keep a conversation going, there's nothing I know to talk about. No one considers me as a friend. The ones who used to have all left me. I always feel that I'm so boring. I have no self confidence at all. When people laugh, I feel they are laughing at me. So I keep shut. And when my collegues are talking to me, I just pretend that I'm interested and listening to them. But nothing makes any sense to me. I hate it when people talk.

    I had been into drug abuse during one of my manic phases for 6 months. I have worked really hard and succeeded to get myself out of drugs completely. But still everyone in my family hates me and are always suspicious.

    I dont have any talents or special abilities. I'm not even lucky in love. I had just one girlfriend of 4 years who left me long back. I've been to psychiatrists post my addiction to drugs and for all these issues. Though I'm free from drugs, these things have never left me. The medicines had just made things worse. So I quit them.

    Situations at house are a mess. Even my dad never managed to do well in life. He is in a lot of debt and has no way of earning. And I feel that I'm no different from my dad. Even I'll live a miserable life like him.

    I feel completely broken and like a loser. There's no reason, motivation or interest in living anymore. Why would anyone want to live a life like this. I have been living with the hope that everything will get better. But seriously, I seen things getting just worse.

    Why should I live such a lonely and loserlike life?

    5 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Does she want to be friends no more?

    Okay, so I have this friend. We've always called each other best buddies.

    Long story cut short,

    Today after a long time we had a chance to see each other. We are in the same college and today we had an exam at the same time. It takes a good 2 hours from home to reach college(We live in the same town). It is after a month today that we COULD have gone and come back from college together. I had hinted her yesterday that we have an exam at the same time. But today she didn't call me before leaving which is fine. But she didn't even call or text me while leaving from college. We left at the same time from the same college but did not even see each other. She only texted me after reaching home asking me how my paper was. During regular college we always used to come back together.

    You might be wondering why didn't I call her. I didn't because lately I have a feeling that she doesn't consider me a good friend. Also, I have a feeling that her mom is somehow involved in making her feel that way. There was a time she was very fond of me. Infact she had also confessed to have feelings for me. But I rejected it and asked her to keep it just to friendship. Later she was fine and we were friends again. Lately I don't feel she considers me a good friend. And I don't want to force my friendship to her or anyone. If she wants to end it but is reluctant to do so by herself, I don't mind taking the initiative to end it myself.

    How do I find out if she doesn't want to be a friend of mine? Or may she doesn't consider me as the same close friend?

    Should I just stop talking to her or texting her? I don't like avoiding and being rude to anyone. But I just can't accept being taken for granted.

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • How to get high legally?

    Okay, so for the past 3-4 weeks I had been to an all time high and full energetic without any drugs not even tea or coffee. But suddenly I feel depressed today.

    What stuff can get me back to the high. It has to be legal. No prescription medication, No alcohol or weed.

    Anything OTC or if possible something readily available at home.

    6 AnswersAlternative Medicine9 years ago
  • How to get high legally?

    Okay, so for the past 3-4 weeks I had been to an all time high and full energetic without any drugs not even tea or coffee. But suddenly I feel depressed today.

    What stuff can get me back to the high. It has to be legal. No prescription medication, No alcohol or weed. Anything OTC or if possible something readily available at home.

    2 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • PLEASE help solve the mystery. READ! ANSWER! What went wrong?

    Tell me what do you think. My brother thinks that I'm on drugs. But I'm really not.

    For the last 3-4 weeks I've had this top of the world, extremely happy and super excited feeling. Excited for anything like sex, socialising, shopping,etc. Even the things that used to make me sad earlier cannot affect my happiness. I sometimes laugh for hours though I get a bit aggressive at times. It's almost like being on speed.

    I've become superquick at everything. I have a British accent so I usually talk slowly but now my friends complain they don't understand what I say as I'm very fast.

    Also my thoughts are jumping and I have a rush of thoughts about everything. I cannot even sleep because of that for days. And even if I manage to sleep, it's only for a couple of hours or so.

    I've developed some super powers like I can attract anyone for sex. I masturbate 3-4 times a day and I'm now not being able to concentrate on studies.

    I can also tune my mind to hear what people are talking in different parts of the world(though I really don't understand what they are talking. It's just like noise)

    These are some of the good things which I would never complain about.

    But something has gone wrong today. Like I'm not feeling that rush today. I've been drained of my energy. And I'm feeling a bit lethargic. I'm afraid that I might get back into depression. Just two months ago I stopped taking medicines for major depression that lasted for more than six months. And the meds were no good to me, infact I feel they were wrongly prescribed to me because they also had strong antipsychotics and extremely high doses of mood stabilizers other than antidepressants. My doctor never gave me a diagnosis for my depression but I found out myself that it was major depression.

    I'm getting a bit scared that I might go into depression by the way I feel today. I'm not even being able to tune my mind to what people are talking elsewhere. Is it just that I'm tired because of not sleeping or is it relapse of depression? And if it is, why would it be when I was so happy? What do you think might have gone wrong?

    1 AnswerMental Health9 years ago
  • Happiness gone=depression? what is happening with me? please help!?

    Tell me what do you think. My brother thinks that I'm on drugs. But I'm really not.

    For the last 3-4 weeks I've had this top of the world, extremely happy and super excited feeling. Excited for anything like sex, socialising, shopping,etc. Even the things that used to make me sad earlier cannot affect my happiness. I sometimes laugh for hours though I get a bit aggressive at times. It's almost like being on speed.

    I've become superquick at everything. I have a British accent so I usually talk slowly but now my friends complain they don't understand what I say as I'm very fast.

    Also my thoughts are jumping and I have a rush of thoughts about everything. I cannot even sleep because of that for days. And even if I manage to sleep, it's only for a couple of hours or so.

    I've developed some super powers like I can attract anyone for sex. I masturbate 3-4 times a day and I'm now not being able to concentrate on studies.

    I can also tune my mind to hear what people are talking in different parts of the world(though I really don't understand what they are talking. It's just like noise)

    These are some of the good things which I would never complain about.

    But something has gone wrong today. Like I'm not feeling that rush today. I've been drained of my energy. And I'm feeling a bit lethargic. I'm afraid that I might get back into depression. Just two months ago I stopped taking medicines for major depression that lasted for more than six months. And the meds were no good to me, infact I feel they were wrongly prescribed to me because they also had strong antipsychotics and extremely high doses of mood stabilizers other than antidepressants. My doctor never gave me a diagnosis for my depression but I found out myself that it was major depression.

    I'm getting a bit scared that I might go into depression by the way I feel today. I'm not even being able to tune my mind to what people are talking elsewhere. Is it just that I'm tired because of not sleeping or is it relapse of depression? And if it is, why would it be when I was so happy? What do you think might have gone wrong?

    3 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Is something wrong with me? what? please help!?

    Tell me what do you think. My brother thinks that I'm on drugs. But I'm really not.

    For the last 3-4 weeks I've had this top of the world, extremely happy and super excited feeling. Excited for anything like sex, socialising, shopping,etc. Even the things that used to make me sad earlier cannot affect my happiness. I sometimes laugh for hours though I get a bit aggressive at times. It's almost like being on speed.

    I've become superquick at everything. I have a British accent so I usually talk slowly but now my friends complain they don't understand what I say as I'm very fast.

    Also my thoughts are jumping and I have a rush of thoughts about everything. I cannot even sleep because of that for days. And even if I manage to sleep, it's only for a couple of hours or so.

    I've developed some super powers like I can attract anyone for sex. I masturbate 3-4 times a day and I'm now not being able to concentrate on studies.

    I can also tune my mind to hear what people are talking in different parts of the world(though I really don't understand what they are talking. It's just like noise)

    These are some of the good things which I would never complain about.

    But something has gone wrong today. Like I'm not feeling that rush today. I've been drained of my energy. And I'm feeling a bit lethargic. I'm afraid that I might get back into depression. Just two months ago I stopped taking medicines for major depression that lasted for more than six months. And the meds were no good to me, infact I feel they were wrongly prescribed to me because they also had strong antipsychotics and extremely high doses of mood stabilizers other than antidepressants. My doctor never gave me a diagnosis for my depression but I found out myself that it was major depression.

    I'm getting a bit scared that I might go into depression by the way I feel today. I'm not even being able to tune my mind to what people are talking elsewhere. Is it just that I'm tired because of not sleeping or is it relapse of depression? And if it is, why would it be when I was so happy? What do you think might have gone wrong?

    4 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • do you think there's something wrong with me? What?

    The answers of my previous question has got me thinking is there something really wrong with me? Tell me what do you think.

    For the last 3-4 weeks I've had this top of the world, extremely happy and super excited feeling. Excited for anything like sex, socialising, shopping,etc. Even the things that used to make me sad earlier cannot affect my happiness. I sometimes laugh for hours though I get a bit aggressive at times.

    I've become superquick at everything. I have a British accent so I usually talk slowly but now my friends complain they don't understand what I say as I'm very fast.

    Also my thoughts are jumping and I have a rush of thoughts about everything. I cannot even sleep because of that for days. And even if I manage to sleep, it's only for a couple of hours or so.

    I've developed some super powers like I can attract anyone for sex. I masturbate 3-4 times a day. I can also tune my mind to hear what people are talking in different parts of the world(though I don't understand what they are talking).

    These are some of the good things which I would never complain about.

    But something has gone wrong today. Like I'm not feeling that rush today. I've been drained of my energy. And I'm feeling a bit lethargic. I'm afraid that I might get back into depression. Just two months ago I stopped taking medicines for major depression that lasted for more than six months. And the meds were no good to me, infact I feel they were wrongly prescribed to me because they also had strong antipsychotics and extremely high doses of mood stabilizers other than antidepressants. My doctor never gave me a diagnosis for my depression but I found out myself that it was major depression.

    I'm getting a bit scared that I might go into depression by the way I feel today. I'm not even being able to tune my mind to what people are talking elsewhere. Is it just that I'm tired because of not sleeping or is it relapse of depression? And if it is, why would it be when I was so happy? What do you think might have gone wrong?

    4 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • do you think something is wrong with me? what?

    The answers of my previous question has got me thinking is there something really wrong with me? Tell me what do you think.

    For the last 3-4 weeks I've had this top of the world, extremely happy and super excited feeling. Excited for anything like sex, socialising, shopping,etc. Even the things that used to make me sad earlier cannot affect my happiness. I sometimes laugh for hours though I get a bit aggressive at times.

    I've become superquick at everything. I have a British accent so I usually talk slowly but now my friends complain they don't understand what I say as I'm very fast.

    Also my thoughts are jumping and I have a rush of thoughts about everything. I cannot even sleep because of that for days. And even if I manage to sleep, it's only for a couple of hours or so.

    I've developed some super powers like I can attract anyone for sex. I can also tune my mind to hear what people are talking in different parts of the world(though I don't understand what they are talking).

    These are some of the good things which I would never complain about.

    But something has gone wrong today. Like I'm not feeling that rush today. I've been drained of my energy. And I'm feeling a bit lethargic. I'm afraid that I might get back into depression. Just two months ago I stopped taking medicines for major depression that lasted for more than six months. And the meds were no good to me, infact I feel they were wrongly prescribed to me because they also had strong antipsychotics and extremely high doses of mood stabilizers other than antidepressants. My doctor never gave me a diagnosis for my depression but I found out myself that it was major depression.

    I'm getting a bit scared that I might go into depression by the way I feel today. I'm not even being able to tune my mind to what people are talking elsewhere. Is it just that I'm tired because of not sleeping or is it relapse of depression? And if it is, why would it be when I was so happy? What do you think might have gone wrong?

    3 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • should I be worrying about this?

    This may be long to read as I'm going to describe everything.

    For the last 3-4 weeks I have been extremely happy, super excited about everything. The problem is that I'm happy even when I should really be crying. Like, I had a written test a couple of days ago which I didn't study a word for and I wasn't even worried about failing. And the worst happened! I could write nothing as I knew nothing. But I was still overly happy! I came out smiling and laughed out with my friends. Isn't that weird?

    A good friend of mine called me after a long time to talk to me. I was so bombarded with thoughts that I couldn't even complete my sentences before starting a new one. And my thoughts were jumping randomly. I was like, " Hi! How are you?... Hey, do you need a haircut?" (this popped out in my head out of nowhere, and she wondered why did I ask) and I kept on talking even before she could complete her statements. I have a British accent so I usually talk very slowly but she complained I was talking very fast and she couldn't understand me and she wanted me to repeat.

    I am not being able to concentrate for my exams because my thoughts are dominated by sex and I masturbate 3-4 times a day.

    I've started to feel that my mind is a thought machine that keeps on thinking very rapidly and randomly. I have a rush of ideas all the time, even at night so I can't go to sleep. I don't sleep for nights and even if I manage to get some sleep its only for a couple of hours or so.

    The best thing is, even if I don't sleep, I still feel very powerful and energetic and all time happy. Infact I've also got some special powers! I can tune my mind to listen to what people are talking, even if they belong to far away countries. I never had these powers before a couple of weeks.

    Idk but something has gone really bad today. Like I'm not feeling that rush today. And I'm feeling a bit lethargic. I'm afraid that I might get back into depression. Just two months ago I stopped taking medicines for major depression that lasted for more than six months. And the meds were no good to me, infact I feel they were wrongly prescribed to me because they also had strong antipsychotics and extremely high doses of mood stabilizers other than antidepressants. My doctor never gave me a diagnosis for my depression but I found out myself that it was major depression.

    I'm getting a bit scared that I might go into depression by the way I feel today. I'm not even being able to tune my mind to what people are talking elsewhere. Is it just that I'm tired because of not sleeping or is it relapse of depression? And if it is, why would it be when I was so happy?

    Thank you for reading and it would be great if you answer should I be worried about this or not because I don't wish to go to the doctors/therapists for small such small things.

    4 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • How can I self harm cleanly and safely?

    I know the question sounds stupid and ironic as to how can one harm and yet be safe.

    Lately I've been feeling quite aggressive and extremely happy, yes happy, for no reason. Infact I should be tensed about my exams as I'm not being able to concentrate on studies. And when I realize that I've not been able to study, I get these violent thoughts of hurting myself like hitting the walls, running into a moving vehicle, etc. I don't want to be an idiot by doing something terrible and regretting it later. But I still feel the need to give myself some pain. Also, I've heard self harm helps deal with anxiety to some extent.

    Now, I don't want to do nasty things like cutting or burning myself. I won't recommend anyone doing that sort of stuff. No offences, but I'm really against deliberate and extreme self harming.

    What I want to know is are there any alternative methods of self harming which are possibly spotless, invisible to others and are generally safe or safer. For example, I've thought of pinching my bum or thigh strong enough to sting me but not to cause any blood clots or marks. I just want more similar ideas.

    Don't tell me to snap a rubber band on my wrists. I find that scary and it is something that people who cut should try.

    I'm looking for a starter's rookie stuff.

    *I know self harming is considered illness but I'm not ill because I have never self harmed. Also, I'm not depressed. I'm quite happy. Thanks :)

    2 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • how can I self harm cleanly and safely?

    I know the question sounds stupid and ironic as to how can one harm and yet be safe.

    Lately I've been feeling quite aggressive and extremely happy, yes happy, for no reason. Infact I should be tensed about my exams as I'm not being able to concentrate on studies. And when I realize that I've not been able to study, I get these violent thoughts of hurting myself like hitting the walls, running into a moving vehicle, etc.

    I don't want to be an idiot by doing something terrible and regretting it later. But I still feel the need to give myself some pain. Also, I've heard self harm helps deal with anxiety to some extent.

    Now, I don't want to do nasty things like cutting or burning myself. I won't recommend anyone doing that sort of stuff. No offences, but I'm really against deliberate and extreme self harming.

    What I want to know is are there any alternative methods of self harming which are possibly spotless, invisible to others and are generally safe or safer.

    For example, I've thought of pinching my bum or thigh strong enough to sting me but not to cause any blood clots or marks. I just want more similar ideas. Don't tell me to snap a rubber band on my wrists. I find that scary and it is something that people who cut should try.

    I'm looking for a starter's rookie stuff.

    *I know self harming is considered illness but I'm not ill because I have never self harmed. Also, I'm not depressed. I'm quite happy.

    Thanks :)

    7 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • How can I self harm cleanly and safely?

    I know the question sounds stupid and ironic as to how can one harm and yet be safe.

    Lately I've been feeling quite aggressive and extremely happy, yes happy, for no reason. Infact I should be tensed about my exams as I'm not being able to concentrate on studies. And when I realize that I've not been able to study, I get these violent thoughts of hurting myself like hitting the walls, running into a moving vehicle, etc.

    I don't want to be an idiot by doing something terrible and regretting it later. But I still feel the need to give myself some pain. Also, I've heard self harm helps deal with anxiety to some extent.

    Now, I don't want to do nasty things like cutting or burning myself. I won't recommend anyone doing that sort of stuff. No offences, but I'm really against deliberate and extreme self harming.

    What I want to know is are there any alternative methods of self harming which are possibly spotless, invisible to others and are generally safe or safer.

    For example, I've thought of pinching my bum or thigh strong enough to sting me but not to cause any blood clots or marks. I just want more similar ideas. Don't tell me to snap a rubber band on my wrists. I find that scary and it is somewhat for professional self harmers.

    I'm looking for a starter's rookie stuff.

    Thanks :)

    9 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Do you have a mental illness?

    Hi! Do you suffer from any mental illness/illnesses? If yes, what is it called? What symptoms do you experience? How do you cope with it?

    Are you on any medications for the illness? What medications are you on?

    Please answer so that people can read, know and benefit from your experience.

    Thank you :)

    6 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • What do you feel for her?

    I saw this and I was greatly touched. I salute her strength!!

    2 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • do you have solutions to these issues?

    Basically I'm asking you to help me with some difficulties I have been having for over a week.

    Previously, I was of the idea that I could fly if I jump off the building but I realized it's kinda stupid and irrational. I also feel that I'm going to be a celebrity soon but I don't know how would I.

    Now help me deal with this. Nowadays when I listen to music I go crazy. a few days back I jumped and ran in the middle of the road while listening to music. I could have been hit by a car. Today I just couldn't help myself stay still and I started dancing like crazy! As if I were on ecstasy! And out of nowhere my elder brother came in front me. I ended up slapping him infront of his girlfriend and then I laughed. He was so embarrassed. I don't know why I slapped him, maybe because he was not dancing.

    I feel so violent sometimes, very aggressive and then very happy.

    Another problem is I've become a shopoholic! I bought new headphones worth $99.99 though I have many. How do I stop myself from buying things? I end up buying anything, anywhere from medicines, edibles, electronics, etc. I also started taking the medicines but then I realized how stupid that was and I threw all of them.

    Also I've been having vivid dreams almost like lucid ones when I sleep. Is it because I sleep only for an hour or so that too very late just before morning? How can I sleep better?

    And my concentration on studies has gone really weak. How can I improve it?

    Also been very restless lately, always running around wanting to meet new people, especially girls. How can I just calm down? Music doesn't seem to calm me down anymore.

    I don't feel hungry anymore. am I becoming anorexic?

    I'm really happy but just some things I mentioned worry me. I know what depression is like as previously I had been under depression for more then 6 months. The medicines did not help so I quit them more than a month ago. Then I was absolutely fine. Don't ask me to go to the psychiatrist for such small reasons as he puts me on antidepressants, antipsychotics, anticonvulsants, and every other type of medicine which is unnecessary and makes me feel sick. Just give me quick solutions to my problems. Without these problems, I'm just perfect and feeling nice and high! I don't do any drugs or meds not even coffee. Also, don't diagnose me. just give solutions.... thanks!

    1 AnswerPsychology9 years ago