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Favourite answers15%

I have no significant professional skills, but have a dream to develop skills. To introduce good way by using internet how can improve lifestyle. I am trying to know is it possible or not. In the process I am getting a connection with one good woman in abroad. this is my only achievement by using the net.

  • How can I get the names and addresses of the famous and new Indian dramatists?

    I want to connect some dramatist of India who are famous and may be new in the field, but popular. I tried in the net but did not find out properly. Any one will help me?

    1 AnswerTheatre & Acting1 decade ago
  • Why we depressed? In sense when there are the needs of courage we are getting depression, why?

    We know that depression are the destruction or it do not allow us to succeed. Still the depression has the tremendous pressure on our day do day life. I like some reality base answer, not the psychological answer. I meant to say psychological answer do not give us the real power to overcome it, I think so. What is your view?

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Do you think there is the need of a special category in yahoo answer for student?

    Yahoo answer is now most popular. Do you think it will be better if yahoo included a new category for students under the caption 'Student' and there after sub categories according to the academic standards of the students.

    10 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Why not yahoo answer delete all the questions after 10 days?

    It has been observed that more than 70% asker do not select the best answer within given time. In voting these questions are selected by vote. But the voting is not the proper way to select the best answer. Because voters may not get any attraction to select the best answer by voting, as he or she may not see the necessity of the question.So, why not yahoo answer take a decision to delete all pending questions after 10 days, if not selected by the asker or by the voters.

    Do you agree ?.

    6 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Do you think there should be a category for poverty in yahoo answer?

    Yahoo answer has included many categories in the page. But there is the need to provide a category for poverty. Because poverty is one of the most important issue for the world. Without solving this problem I think human community can not claim as the best living being of the world.

    So do you agree with me?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Why not asker points and level in yahoo answer?

    I observe and found that there are always lot of inappropriate question published in yahoo answer. Which I think no proper use. To be sincere in asking a question there is the need to educate asker by yahoo answer team.

    Secondly, most of the asker do not select the best answer even after 4 days. This causes the question homeless and the effort of people who answering the question become meaningless, and the process of voting started. But as the point of voting is 1 many people do not like to invest their time in voting. In sense it decreases the value of yahoo answer. So I think there is a need to develop a system by yahoo not to allow such asker if they do not choose their best answer in time or if pending.

    Third is there should be a provision of points to best asker and a level of asker which is going on for answering. I think this process will improve the yahoo answer and will help to attract more and more people.

    Fourth is the question should be in short form, a minimum space for a question to be allow so that the asker give effort to ask a question carefully.

    So, is there any need to allow a provision of points and level for asker by the yahoo answer team?

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • The creative way of yahoo answer.?

    Will it be better if yahoo answer included a new wing under the caption CREATIVITY ?

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago