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Lv 610,535 points


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I as a Scientist, do research,Engg,Civil,Elec/Electronics,Psycho, universe etc. Latest book I read was Talented People.I would like to bring people to become live with moral ethics.I Have funs,Magics, Drama,Lumosity 8level memory,A Harvard Univsty student(management), Speaker,Key board player etc. I believe in Jesus Christ.He was the word came in a body of man.Still live as a man in Heavenly places.He contact everybody, sending signals for real experiences during testing times. We will experience many tests after believing Him. If no Jesus, no tests. Just live in the world. But living with Christ is not easy. Many tests we have to face. About the future and universe, Jesus told,"you will not believe My experience about the universe, so I do not like to say.Time is very little, so in this given time, you have to believe a living God.After death, your soul will depart from you and travel with Me.Then you shall experience everything about the universe".Holy Spirit is with us.