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  • Is this correct in german?

    How to say 'in the centre of this film is...' in german? Is it ' In zentrum von dieser Film ist...'?

    2 AnswersLanguages2 years ago
  • The little book of Batman or Batman the nightwalker?

    My boyfriend loves batman and I wanted to buy him one of these comic books. Which is better?

    1 AnswerComics & Animation2 years ago
  • Can you correct my text in German?

    Leute sagen oft, dass sie kleine Dings für das Glück brauchen. Dem stimme ich nicht zu. Ich denke, dass viele Menschen erfüllt werden müssen. Vor allem brauchen sie Liebe. Jeder braucht jemanden, der es lieben und schätzen wird, unabhängig davon, ob diese Liebe von einem Freund, einer Familie oder einem Partner kommt. Dann müssen wir gesund werden und die Menschen die uns wichtig sind.Das Geld werden für das Glück benötigt, obwohl viele es leugnen. Ich denke jedoch, dass niemand glücklich sein kann, wenn er sich grundlegende Dinge wie Dächer über dem Kopf und Essen nicht leisten kann. Außerdem sind die Leute glücklich, wenn sie etwas kaufen können, was sie wirklich wollen. Sie arrangieren persönlich für mich Reisen. Ich treffe gerne andere Kulturen und Staaten und ich freue mich, wenn ich meine Umgebung zumindest kurzfristig ändern und etwas Neues und Anderes genießen kann. Jeder Mensch hat seine Vision von Glück und eine ideale Vision des Lebens, aber ich denke, dass jeder Menschen aus seiner Umgebung braucht, um gut zu sein, etwas Liebe und sogar grundlegende Lebensgrundlagen.

    1 AnswerLanguages3 years ago
  • How to say this in German?

    The film is about the clash of cultures and worldviews and the position of women

    4 AnswersLanguages3 years ago
  • Can you correct my German grammar?

    I am aware that the text has many mistakes, but can someone help me and correct it, please?

    Vor ein paar Jahren reiste ich nach Italien. Wir haben mehrere Städte besuchten, von denen mein lieblings war Verona. Obwohl vielleicht es ist nicht so schön und beliebt wie das berühmte Venedig, Verona hat einen besonderen Charme. Die ganze Stadt sieht sehr süß aus und sieht romantisch aus. Verona ist eine italienische Stadt im Nordosten Italiens. Es ist ein typischen italienischen Stadt. Es ist sehr schon, voll Leben und hat gut erhaltenen historischen Bauten. Es ist eine sehr alte Stadt und wenn Sie dort ankommen, fühlen Sie sich wie in einem bestimmten vergangenen Jahrhundert. Es gibt eine große alte Arena in der Stadt. Man kann sich die Gladiatoren und die Kämpfe, die dort stattfanden, fast vorstellen. Es gibt auch einen großen Markt, wo Sie viele verschiedene Dinge finden können. Was Verona jedoch am berühmtesten macht, ist die Liebe. Es ist die Stadt von Romeo und Julia. Tausende von Touristen kommen jedes Jahr nach Verona, um den Julians Balkon zu sehen und ihr Statue zu berühren, um ihnen Glück zu bringen. Obwohl ich nur ein paar Stunden in Verona verbrachte, hinterließ die Stadt einen starken und angenehmen Eindruck auf mich, warum es eine Stadt ist, in die ich wirklich zurückkehren möchte.

    1 AnswerLanguages3 years ago
  • Meaning of name Kiyadh?

    I know it's muslim/arabic, but i can't find what it means...

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay3 years ago
  • Which language is more necessary in Europe?

    I'm European and I would like to stay and work in Europe. I'm senior in high school and I'm interested in studying languages and becoming an interpretor or translator, but I'm having hard time deciding which one - Arabic, Russian or Spanish. What do you think, which language is the most perspective?

    5 AnswersLanguages4 years ago
  • Possible proffesions?

    I'm having hard time thinking which college to apply, and I'll be a senior this year. I wanted to be an interpretor, but I'm not a big fan of grammar, so I'm not sure how will studying new languages work even tho I really, really want to know few languages. I'm also interested in traveling, literary, history, maybe pschylogy and law, so social sciences basically. Any idea which proffesion may be suitable for me? Any suggestion would be very helpful! :)

    1 AnswerOther - Education5 years ago
  • Archeology?

    Do you need to have a phd to be an archeologist? And are there jobs in this proffesion, or your diploma will just be hanging on the wall?

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • Decision about college?

    I'll be a senior this fall which means I have to decide which college to apply. I'm having second thouhgts on studying Arabic (and 2 more languages) on Faculty of Philology, or archeology on Faculty of Phylosophie (I'm European, if that means anything to you). I'm scared that I won't learn Arabic good enough because it's really hard, although I really like the way it sounds, Arabic culuture, history, etc. And with archeology, I know it will be quite easy for me to study because I like it, but it's hard to get a job with it. What do you think, which option is better?

  • Help me with German, please?

    Can you tell me are these sentences gramatically correct and do they make sense?

    1) Katharina schrebit uber Jugendliche and Klischees uber sie.

    2) Sie hat 20 Geschichten aus dem Leben von Jugendlichen geschrieben.

    3) Sie denkt, dass es war schon weil die Menschen hinter ihren Fassaden kennenzulernen und zu entdecken, was alles in ihnen steckt.

    4) Die Jugendliche sprechen uber ihre Privatleben weil sie beweisen wollen, dass ihren Generation ist so viel mehr als schelcht Klischees.

    Thank you in advance!:)

    3 AnswersLanguages5 years ago
  • Google isn't working... ?

    It doesn't want to open pages or sites. I wanted to watch a show on putlocker, it won't open, I tried other sites - same story, it didn't even open gmail... It says that server lost a connection without sending any data, so what could be the problem?

    1 AnswerGoogle5 years ago
  • Is it too fast?

    I'm writing a story inspired by real life (my grandmother), and my MC lost her mother realy early, when she was 4-5 yrs old, so at the very first page of my hope-to-be-a-book her mother dies. Is it too fast? I just want to get it over with and go on with the plot, because I don't know which things could happen before that.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors5 years ago
  • Life gives you back whatever you give to others?

    Do you believe that's true? I personaly don't, but whatever...

    I need to write an essay about this topic, but it has to have the author of the quote involved (Ivo Andrić, winner of the Nobel prize in 1961, he was obssesed with bridges) so I was thinking about writing a story about a guy doing only mean things to others, and eventually all those things start hapening to him, he realises what he has done and can't live with himself anymore. So he tries to jump off a bridge, and guess who he sees there and talks him out of it?

    Do you think it could work?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors5 years ago
  • How to get over an emotional crisis?

    Since I can remember there have been problems in my family, and over the last couple of months they have become even worse. I also have problems with my friends, problems with my self esteem, the guy I like doesn't seem to like me back, and all that combined is making me feel really down, not loved and like a second choice. I cry every day, I could cry for hours and still feel like it isn't enough and just wanna cry more. It seems like I don't have not even one single positive thing in my life, and I don't know what to do, or who to talk to. I just want to be loved and happy.

    1 AnswerPsychology5 years ago
  • How useful it is to know Arabic?

    Because of all the dialects (every country has it's own version of the language)? I was considering studying it and becoming an interpretor, but only standard Arabic is learned in University (in my country, I'm European, I don't know how it is around the world), and then you choose one dialect next to it. How useful would it actually be?

    2 AnswersLanguages5 years ago
  • Translate this to German, please?

    It would be nice if you could come to my city for a couple of days. We will be celebrating Easter in a very interesting way this year. We will show how it is celebrated all over the world. For example, one street will be dedicated to Spain. Then, we will show how it's celebrated in Philiphines.

    It sounds interesting, doesn't it? It's the first time we're doing something like this and I would like you to come.

    Thanks in advance! :)

    2 AnswersLanguages5 years ago
  • Help with The Trial by F.Kafka?

    I ve read the book and I don t really like it. I don t really see the point of it. But, I still have to analyise it and I m struggling with it on some parts, so I would appreaciate any help. Here are the questions :

    1. Is a man responsible for

    consequences of his acts, if they are forced by the society? Where is his free will? Is alineation hiding behind justified role in in society and a man without responcibility?

    2. Towards what is going society if people are getting used to deformation and absurdity?

    3. How to describe a world where horror isn t surprising? Is there where Kafka s specific naration is hiding? Is this a feature of a modern novel?

    Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors5 years ago
  • How wanted are translators/interpretors in Canada?

    Is there a need for this proffesion? And which languages are needed the most?

    3 AnswersStudying Abroad5 years ago