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Which is the best DNA test kit with the most accurate results for your ancestry? ?

So I tried 23andMe and for the longest time my results told me one thing but I updated the app and my results changed for some BS reason (I contacted them and asked). But now I’m looking around to see which is the best in results that tell you you’re so and so % of so and so (example: 30% German). Please do not say 23andMe as they have upset me with this. 

2 Answers

  • 1 week ago

    The results are only as accurate as the people who give their samples.

    The most likely reason for your results to change is that more people have submitted their DNA and slightly changed the overall results.

    If every person who has done 23 and Me also does Ancestry, you will get the same results.  If only some have done both, you will get different results.

  • Maxi
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    NONE all are sold for entertainment value none tell you who your ancestors were or where they came from. ONLY research can do that

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