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Anonymous asked in Arts & HumanitiesGenealogy · 2 weeks ago

Do you think most people don't know who their second cousins and uncles/aunts are? At least without family tree research?

In my case I know some of my second counsins and my second uncles/aunts without a research because my parents and I use to visit them during my childhood

2 Answers

  • 2 weeks ago

    Like yourself, as a child, my parents took us to visit many great aunts etc.  Nowadays, I have regular contact with a second cousin from my father's side and weekly with another second cousin and her children from my mother's side, who are all my sort of age (the wonders of zoom in lockdown!!).  There are some we don't seem to keep in contact with and they will be lost once my mother's generation dies.

  • Maxi
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    I knew all my great aunts/uncles, all their children who were my 1st cousins once removed and their children who are my second cousins...... now with divorces and single parent families and with people moving to other areas, counties or countries many do not know one whole side of their family at all, so many children do not know nor have ever met even their grandparent

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