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Anonymous asked in TravelAir Travel · 2 weeks ago

Why would someone pretend to be away but really be at home?

 So a long time friend is checking in that they went to Las Vegas. The stories kept changing. At first they were driving and the day they were going to leave they said they all sudden was going to fly. We know the person is not where they said they went. They checked that they were in an airport but anyone can put where they want to be. I even did that by mistake. They are not showing any photos of their vacation just check ins. They are also a narcissist.

2 Answers

  • 2 weeks ago

    Why don't you think they could change their mind and end up flying?

  • 2 weeks ago

    Very likely that they know they have friends who will lose sleep over it.  Who the hell cares about it.  Live your life.

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