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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsFamily · 2 weeks ago

How can I get my kids to see their father, my ex don't love them?

He can't love them completely without also loving me, and if he did he would not have left me. How can I get my kids to see that

14 Answers

  • Foofa
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    Please don't let your damaged ego destroy your children like this. You're creating people who'll be in therapy for life. When you pick someone to have kids with that person is in your life for life whether they end the romance or not. You're being so utterly selfish it's disgusting. 

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    If what your posting is true then you are a disgusting person. You NEVER use your children against an ex. My mother did this and it is her legacy as a parent now. It made her the parent who failed and my Dad the hero. Had she not used me against him I would have recognized his flaws, and he had them, but because of my mother alienating me from him she is the monster and he is Super-Dad. 


    Trust me, if you alienate them or teach them he doesn't love them then it will come back to haunt you when they are old enough to see what you did. It haunted my mother and even in death it continues to with her legacy as a mother who failed. She was otherwise an excellent mother but her actions of poisoning me against my Dad define her as a "Failed Mother" when it would be the opposite had she not done this. 

  • Pearl
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    just drop them off for a visit

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    I realize English is not your native language.  Where is this?  In the USA you could - and would, if he chose to go to Court - lose custody for criticizing the father in this matter.  I tell you that every time you post this.

  • 2 weeks ago

    Any parent who spouts insults and put downs about the child's father or mother around their kids are emotionally abusing their kids.  So if you think it's a good idea to emotionally abuse your kids like that, then go for it. 

    You're not going to be the winner in that game.  Kids have brains, and they can make up their own minds about their feelings for a parent.  If you decide to tell your kids their father doesn't love them, and make him a negative topic of conversation, your kids are going to get sick of hearing it and hearing you. They will feel you disrespect them and their feelings. They will resent you deeply for it.  

  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 weeks ago

    If you don't stop trying to poison their minds against their father, you should lose custody of them to him.

    You need help.  Seriously.


  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 weeks ago


  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Hate to be the one to break it to you Toots but "YOU'RE" the frkn problem!

    The most destructive & harmful thing you can do to your kids is applying that common stereotype that Ex Husbands & Divorced Dads & suchlike are too emotionally retarded to properly love their children.

    The man left 'You',, and all things considered, by the looks of the obvious vindictive bitterness in your question I don't wonder why.


    since your children are unfortunate enough to still have to live with you it's easy to emidine that 'They' wouldn't wonder why either.

    So you're pissed off at your Ex and hate his guts with a blood vengeance for the way your lousy marriage ended.



    that's no excuse for insisting that your children should have to be just as screwed-up over it as you.

    Give your kids a break & get some counseling.  

  • ?
    Lv 5
    2 weeks ago

    Did you eat lead paint chips when you were a kid? A man can love his kids more than life itself, while hating you and the ground you walk on.

  • Rick B
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    Huh?  Your ex can certainly love his kids without loving you.  You should not be poisoning your kids against their father.

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