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Florida ran out of Johnson & Johnson vaccine and doesn't expect anymore for awhile. Most I've talked to  prefer that vaccine, do we wait?

7 Answers

  • 4 weeks ago

    I heard in the news on the radio about a month ago that "The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is only going to be for healthcare workers and school teachers, and will not be available to the general public"

    Now the station is one of those classical music stations on FM radio, like npr, so I don't know if that news report was local or national, but that is what was said.  And most people I work with want that vaccine.

    Also remember this: The vaccine is not a cure.  You can still catch covid if you've been vaccinated.

  • 1 month ago

    The vaccines are not pretty much the same.

    The mRNA vaccines are begin to decrease in antibodies in as short as 59 days post 2nd vaccination and do not create the memory cell changes.

    The J&J vaccine is continuing to increase in antibody levels at day 79 and creates the memory cell changes.

    We don't know your situation.  If you think having the vaccine will change something, then go ahead and get it. 

    But if there is no big hurry, you can wait. 

  • 1 month ago

    I will wait. 

  • Lili
    Lv 4
    1 month ago

    You should accept whatever vaccine is available. If that means you have to get two doses, too bad. That's what you should do.

  • 1 month ago

    I can't make your decisions for you. You have to make those on your own

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    No. Get any vaccine that you can. The sooner we reach herd immunity, the better we’ll be. 

    I got the Pfizer vaccine. A few of my co-workers got the Moderna. I don’t know anyone that got the J&J because most of us have already got vaccinated. 

    All 3 vaccines will do its job in keeping you out of the hospital and prevent death by covid. The more people that are vaccinated, the less chance there will be a new variant. The virus can’t make a variant if it can’t reproduce and get a mutation. 

  • !
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    Unless you have reason to believe there's serious issues with a vaccine, they're all pretty much the same. It seems silly to wait for one specific vaccine when the others on offer are virtually identical. 

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