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Anonymous asked in HealthOptical · 2 months ago

Do you think there being over the top?

My parents are saying things to make like you dont need to wear your glasses round the house unless you watch tv or play.  They also said when you go to the pub and have found your friends take them of.

Do you think my parents are being over the top?  It's the first time in my life I have worn glasses.

My glasses are prescribed for my distance vision by the way

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago
    Favourite answer

    Not sure why your parents have a thing with eyeglasses??  It is pretty strange that they are more concerned about your looks than your vision.  Of course you don't have to take your glasses off, especially in the pub!!  And if you're old enough to go to the pub, then you certainly can decide for yourself!  You need to see in a place like that, as there's lots going on all around you.  As for at home, you should also wear them all the time, except maybe when you're right at your computer.  I also wear glasses for distance and only take them off at home, when I'm reading up close.  Another suggestion is contact lenses.  I actually switch between glasses and contacts depending on what I'm doing. If you're happy with your glasses, just keep wearing them. They make people look smarter too:).

  • 2 months ago

    Why?  I don't think there's any advantage to not wearing them.

  • 2 months ago

    Ask the optometrist who prescribed them.  

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    You should wear your glasses whenever YOU feel like it. If they help you see better, wear them. 

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