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Lola asked in SportsVolleyball · 2 years ago

Can I wear leggings to a volleyball game?

I want to try out for volleyball soon for the first time, but I would rather not wear the short spandex shorts I am supposed to. They are against my religion. Am I allowed to wear leggings?

8 Answers

  • 1 year ago

    just wear the leggings and then wear the shorts over it many people do it.

  • 1 year ago

    Yes, definitely can. That no problem when you play volley ball. It will make you to be more free to move during the game, because it will be safer than just wear short spandex.

  • 2 years ago

    Yes ma’am you definitely can

  • 2 years ago

    You might be a little warm, but of course! Good luck (:

  • 2 years ago

    My daughter plays USAV club ball, and she wears spandex that is about 4 inches longer than the other girls. They hit her mid-thigh. Other than that, they are exactly like the others. I consulted the director of the club, and he ok'ed them. He did say she could not wear leggings. We did not get special approval from our governing regional body, and no one has ever said anything. But I definitely would check to see if special approval is needed before you try anything!

  • 2 years ago

    Absolutely you are allowed to wear leggings! Many players in college wear them for injuries so it's definitely not out of the norm! And if anyone tries to tell you you can't explain that it's for your religion, they should be understanding about it

  • Kent L
    Lv 6
    2 years ago

    Both high school rules and USA Volleyball rules allow for leggings if they are similar in color to the shorts of teammates. Club volleyball which use USA Volleyball rules say that the club can send a letter requesting a waiver for a player wearing leggings during tournaments but you would have to pass tryouts for the club before they would write such a waiver letter.

    Source(s): I am a volleyball referee.
  • 2 years ago

    Yes, but you should wear short shorts or something

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