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Anonymous asked in SportsVolleyball · 9 months ago

Can I play volleyball if I’m short?

I’m 5’2” and a girl. Could I play volleyball? I know liberos are usually short. Could I play that position? I heard setters are usually the next shortest players after liberos. Could I play that position? Or would I need to be taller? Is there any other position I could play?

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 months ago
    Favourite answer

    Your actual skills, dedication, dependability, how well you respond to coaching, whether you’re a team player, whether you bring a positive attitude all matter far more then your height.

    So sure you can play volleyball.  Libero, defensive specialist, setter, serving specialist are all different positions where height is less important.

  • 3 months ago

    No, you're never to Short to play volleyball im shorter than you and I want to play

    Source(s): Teehee
  • 4 months ago

    Yes you can play. 

  • 5 months ago

    Yeees‼ I'm short too. But, I played Volley ball for 7years. Then, I experianced liberos, setters and light spiker!! When I was light, I couldn't block ball well... But, Volleyball is a sport that build up a game in all the members! If you like Volley ball, you should do it!! It is important to enjoy:) 

  • 9 months ago

    Yes you can play Volleyball. If your height is 5'2" you can play.

  • 9 months ago

    i dont see why not

  • 9 months ago

    You can play any position ....if you are good.  You can even be a center blocker, but you would have a more difficult job than someone who is a foot taller.

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