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Lv 6

Hindus : What is the minimum Sankhya (Numbers) of Gayatri to be recited during Tri kala Sandhyavandhana?

Most of the people I consulted say that that minimum number of Gayatri Japa is 32 per time (Prata Kala 32, Madhyanika 32 and Saayam Sandhya 32 Nos).

But they unmable to tell why 32 Nos for each Kalam. So this question.

Is there any scriptures on this ?


@ Odampully : Thanks for the firstever valid answer !!! Can you tell me the basis for the procedure being adopted by Keralite Brahmins?

Update 2:

@ Sri Sri Vidya Rajagopalan Sir ::--- During Asaucham period, elders say that we should not perform Gayatri Japa and we restrict our Prata/Madhyanika/Saayam Sandhyas upto Arghyam only. This particularly and especially applies to a Karta during "mourning" period. Then, where is the question of numbers of Gayatri to be recited? May I know your elaboration on this?

6 Answers

  • Favourite answer

    Dharma Sastras clearly gives Gayatri chanting 1000 times or 100 times and on specified occasions 10 times.

    Other numbers 54, 32, 28 are based on Desachara, Sishtachara or Kulachara etc.

    1) Gayatri chanting in Santhya Vandhana:

    (i) Baradwaja- Samvardhar- Vyasar:

    Sahasraparamam deveem satamadhyaam dasaavaraam

    Gayatreem vai japedh vidhvan prangmukhah pratyatah sthitah

    1000 times chanting is great, 100 times chanting is middle level and 10 times chanting is the least one.

    (ii) Asvalayana:

    ‘apannassasusi kaale nistanapi jabet dasa’

    This ten times chanting is allowed during Asaucham period and an unavoidable hurry.

    This is also given in Dharmasastra named Chandrika.

    In practice 1008 or 108 times chanting is done. 28 or 10 times chanting is done during Asaucham period, Pradosha Kala and in unavoidable hurry.

    (iii) Srivatsa Ve. Somadeva Sarma:

    ‘A doubt could arise on the count of Gayatri chanting whether it is 1000 or 1008 or 100 or 108. Many sages said it is 1000 or 100.

    Some Rishis added eight and said 1008 or 108. This counting is more common.

    As japamala has 108 or 54 or 28 beads, one can chant 54 or 28 times also. Some do chant 32 ’

    2) Gayatri japa counting:

    Regarding Gayatri japa, it is said in Agni purana in Tulakaveri mahatmya Adhyaya 14 that japamala should not be used for counting Gayatri mantram. It should only be counted on the parvas or the folds of the right hand fingers. Starting from the middle fold of the ring finger, going down and left and upwards on the little finger and going right on the top folds and down the index finger giving 10 counts. For counting 28 or 108 therefore one has to count in tens on the right hand and note each cycle with the help of chalk markings or pebbles or left fingers.

    It is said that the lower two folds of the middle finger are called Meru and the counting should be done circumambulating them. It is said that since Gayatri is the root of the Vedas and the Vedas are recited using the above-mentioned method for counting the sooktas, Gayatri should also be counted likewise. The following sloka is quoted for authority.

    ‘parvabhir ganayet sankhyam nakshamaladibhir nripa;

    gayatrya vedamulatwad vedah parvasu giyate’

    3) Reference Books, Personal Collection:

    (i) "Sri Vaishanava Sadaachara Nirnayam" by Vidwan Villivalam Krishnamacharya, present 44Th Jeeyar of Ahobila Mutt, Pages 263 to 265, Total Pages 946, Year of publication1990.

    (ii) Sri Sandhya Vandanam, Srivatsa Ve. Somadeva Sarma, Editor, Vaideeka Dharmavarthini, Page 46 & 47, Total Pages 144, Sixth Edition, Year of Publication 1965 (Sixth Edition).

    4) Edited:

    Asaucham period and Sandhya Vandanam:

    Thank you for referring this practice.

    (The following is taken from,

    Ahniha Kandam, second part of Smiriti Muktapalam of Vaidyanatha Dikshitar, Vaideegavarthini Press, Kumbakonam, Page 498 to 500, Total Pages 598, Year of Publication 1951.)

    Vishnupuranam: Those who is not doing Sandhya Vandanam goes to hell named Tamisram. Exemption is given for Sandhaya Vandanam during birth and death impurities periods, mental illness, severe illness and excessive fear.

    Mareeci: Asaucham period is exempted for Sandhaya Vandanam like karmas.

    Sara Sangraham: Exemption is given for Sandhaya Vandanam during, country in distress, on king's order, severe illness, Sutakam period and Asaucham periods,

    Pulastiar: One should do Sandhaya Vandanam by mind (including three Pranayamas) during Sutakam period and Asaucham periods. Exemptions given by Rishis earlier is only for verbal prounciation and physical act,

    Vyasar: During Sutakam one should do arghyam with verbal Gayatri and do pradakshina. Then pray Sun God.

    Phaithinasi (பைடீந‌ஸி): It was said 'During Sutakam one should do arghyam with verbal Gayatri and do pradakshina. Then pray Sun God'. There are two interpretations here. One group do normal Sandhya Vandanam up to Arghyam during Sutakam. Others is for doing Marjanam like all other parts of whole Sandhya Vandanam during Sutakam. DO AS PER SISHTACHARA.

  • 8 years ago

    Late Srivatsa Somadeva Sarma, who has written many books in Tamil, on Karma KaaNDa, based on Vaidyanatha Deekshitiyam, has opined that chanting of Gayatri Mantra,108 times in the morning, 28 times in the noon and 64 times in the evening Sandhya Vandanam. In emergency, a minimum of 10 times.

    In emergency, when water is not available, recital of mantra only is prescribed along with chanting of Gayatri mantra.

    The Dharma Shastras though appearing to be rigid, at first sight, are actually flexible enough to cover several unforeseen circumstances and emergencies due to imponderables. So, concessions and exceptions have been provided for, since the objective is to ensure continuity.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Here is a link for you for a complete Vidhanam/ritual for Sandhya Upasana in Pratah: Madhyahan and Sayam Kala. As the Vidhanam is long, I cannot give whole information due to space restriction: here is a link:

    also, minimum you have to do Gaytri Japa 108 times but if you do not have time you can do 10 times as well. ( Agni Purana)

    Source(s): Daksh Smriti Agni Purana
  • 8 years ago

    108+54+32 is what the Kerala Brahmins follow.


    Basis? No. Do you think that all the customs of religions have a base?

  • 8 years ago

    108 times

  • 8 years ago

    10 times thrice a day is enough..

    Source(s): GOD
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