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Lv 4
? asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

How old is too old to train or housebreak - really?

I housebroke and trained a 4 year old feral dog so I know that the old adage about only puppies being trainable is bullcrap.

But I'm curious as to whether anyone has ever housebroken or trained (for leash, commands, whatever) a 10 year old dog, a 15 year old dog, etc.

I have some relatives with a small (very old) senior who's not housebroken and I'd like to see if I can do anything...


I don't mean to imply that old = stupid, just set in their ways. This dog is 17 or thereabouts and has been peeing and pooping in the house for a long time.

I figure at the very least she could get on a schedule, maybe not at the level that she'd never think of going inside, but at the level that as long as you took her out at these certain times of day, she'd be ok.

Outside-only life is no way for a dog to live. Sigh.

6 Answers

  • Leigh
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    I housetrained a 7-1/2 year old Pekingese that came from a shelter (he was removed from his home because of neglect-he had lived his entire life in a bathroom). It wasn't to difficult, let him know that you're happy when he goes outside and that you don't like it when he goes inside. Used a crate and a leash to confine him while the training was taking place. As far as commands, he picked those up very easily.

  • 1 decade ago

    Haven't had any experience with housebreaking older dogs, but my daughter had a friend when they were both 11, that trained her Dad's hunting dog (9 years old at the time) to a first place in her obedience class.

    Even housebroken dogs can lose their house training as they get older, so I would be surprised if you could reliably housebreak a dog 10 or 15.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Any age they can BE housebroken with patience and consistently. Although it harder if the older dog has a medical probably such as age related urine leakage. Those ones can never be fully housebroken due to medical issues.

  • 1 decade ago

    The oldest I've trained,is a 8 yr old rescue,I think it is easier than a puppy.The older ones are more focused and have a larger bladder capacity.

  • 1 decade ago

    leash trained and crate trained a 9 year old bouv, their life expectancy is around 12 so thats a senior for sure

  • 1 decade ago

    as long as the dog is still able to control his bowel and bladder, he is trainable. Just because he's old does not mean he's stupid.. and not all old dogs are incontinent either.

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