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I like to visit Shimla, Kullu and Manali.?

Well, I want to visit Shimla. Kullu and Manali. Please let me route from Delhi by train. Nearby other attractions. Minimum time for journey. Are there HPTDC Hotels available etc.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Go by train from old Delhi station by Howrah -Kalka mail which will take you to Kalka at 6 am and catch the toy train for Shimla --enjoy the breadth taking ghat journey --it will take 5 hrs to reach .Hire a porter to climb up upto 500 ft from Station to near Mall where you will find lot of hotels .I suggest to stay in Shimla Kalibari near to Mall -very cheap and best (send letter and advance money of minimum Rs 200 for seperate rooms and they will oblige to book ) .Stay 2 days and catch state buses in the morning for Kulu Manali (climb down to 300 ft for bus stand --always hire a porter to carry your luggage otherwise it will be very difficult in Shimla as Shimla having no plain land to explore and you have to always climb up and down daily 200 to 400 ft for anything )

    Get down at Kulu (10 hrs journey ) and stay in a hotel near bus stand ,See some tourist spot like Manikaran -stay one day only ) Next day catch again a bus for 60 km journey to Manali .Stay at Hotel Bewas of HPTDC which can be booked on line also --google search

    Source(s): personal visit
  • 1 decade ago

    contact some travel agent i would suggest Divis tours reach them at or +91-9160469165 to get cheap & best deals

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