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Lv 4
? asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

More about homemade grain-free dog treats?

Liver or meat dehydrated in the oven - got it! I'm going to try it.

But my Mastiff's favorite thing in the world is mint. She loves breath fresheners more than anything on this earth. Also, I love for my dogs to have fresh breath because they lick my face about a zillion times a day.

I have thought of these ways to incorporate breath-freshening herbs in a dehydrated meat treat. If anyone is experienced in dog-treat making or cooking, please help me out and let me know which of these is likely to work.

1) Make a "stock" by boiling parsley and mint for 2-4 hours. Mix a few tablespoons of the "mint stock" with egg whites. Coat dehydrated meat with mixture and bake for 20 minutes.

2) Puree meat/organ in a food processor with mint and parsley and then bake. OR

3) Puree meat/organ in a food processor with mint, parsley, and EGG and then bake. (Would egg help it stay together?)

Also, what other herbs are good for dogs?

2 Answers

  • Joh
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    The best thing for fresh breath is a really meaty bone a few times a week. For a mastiff this would mean half a chicken or a pork shoulder NOT a shin or marrow bone.

    Pureeing liver will leave you with a really big pot of goop! I would just mix the dried or fresh herbs in with the jerky and pull out a different treat each time.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    An easy way to make grain free treats is from canned grain free food. Scoop out food from can and form into small size balls. Put on cookie sheet and bake in a 250 degree oven for approximately 1.5 hours. The timing may be different based on the size of the balls you make so keep an eye on them while they are in the oven. They basically dehydrate and voila you have grain free treats. You might want to try Nutro Natural Choice Grain Free canned food. It comes in several flavors; turkey, lamb, fish, and venison. Good luck and hope this helps.

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