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Lv 4
? asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Anybody feed Taste of the Wild?

I just got some for my dogs. I found it at the tractor supply store and it was slightly less expensive than Blue Buffalo, but I've read that it's one of the best dog foods out there.

Anybody have experience with this dog food? Flavors that your dog turned his nose up at (my lab mix is really picky), runny butt, anything like that?


Jess, yeah, I was thinking that my lab mix might turn her nose up at the bison flavor. She seems to like the salmon a lot.

Unfortunately they don't have the duck formula in the 30 lb bag at this store. Otherwise, I would've gotten it.

I noticed that it was quite stinky! But that probably means it's good for them.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    I've been feeding my dogs Taste of the Wild for 6 months now. I feed the Prairie Formula (Bison/Venison). My dogs love it & are doing very,very well on it. Never any loose stools. Shiny coats. Good weights. Great energy levels. I also buy it at my Feed store. Not expensive. $34 for 30# & I'm feeding less than the good quality food I was feeding previously for a comparable price. It does have a particular smell to it. But I'm very satisfied.

    Source(s): Mom to 2 BC's & a little Aussie
  • Gi
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yeah, my dog does well on it. Most definitely did not have a 'runny butt' even though I switched foods cold-turkey! My dog wasn't into the salmon or bison, however he liked the duck formula. Taste of the Wild food smells horrible, at least to me.

  • Bob
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Compared to almost ANY dog food of today, the food we used to feed our dogs 20 years ago would be considered insufficient!! Considering that our dogs lived good lives then, I'd say that just about any dog food from today is more than adequate.

    But if you're persnickety about your dog's nutrition, follow this simple rule: you get what you pay for. SOOOO buy the best food you can reasonably afford and rest assured it will be an excellent choice for your dog.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My Afghans are really picky too, I have used taste of the wild on occasion and never had a problem with it.

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