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Did anyone visit Palm Desert, California... We are planning for a vacation there... how good is the idea?

this is the website of found:

but cant believe everything from the website... so, please let me know if any of you have visited the place..

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Palm Desert is surrounded by Palm Springs, La Quinta, etc. If you enjoy heat (110') during Sept and sometime Oct., desert scenery, sand, cactus and the color tan than you would like it. The area is really tourist oriented so check on local happenings so that you can find some fun local things to do. Palm Springs has a large gay population which makes people watching fun....nothing wrong with being gay just the glitzy areas of Palm Springs brings out the bling bling in gays and rich alike. It is about 1 1/2 hours drive from LA or Orange County.

    I live in Orange County so the desert areas are not my favorite but it is definitely different from the Midwest!!

    Have fun.

    Source(s): Live in the Southern California area and have visited the Palm Desert area often.
  • 1 decade ago

    warm weather & winter is high season.....plan on hiking, seeing mountain sheep, hanging around the pool & eating. if you play golf plenty of courses....

    Source(s): experience
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