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Law Enforcement & Police


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    Why do police shoot and kill people that are not a threat in cases like George Floyd?

    Favourite answer:

    1) Floyd wasn't shot or killed 

    2) Floyd was 6'5 250+, high on drugs and resisting arrest. How is that not a threat? 

    6 Answers1 week ago
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    Question about 13yr old Adam Toledo Shooting, re: justification for a shooting, and the photo we see with him hands up facing police?

    in the photo, the boy is has not yet been shot. He has mostly fully turned to face the police and has his hands up and its clear there is nothing in his hands.   According to the rules as far as I know, if a suspect has his hands raised and there is no weapon in his hands and clearly is nowhere near making a threatening gesture like he is taking aim at the police, there is no apparent justification for the shooting.  

    Now the police I believe that while he was stiff facing the other way and starting to turn and still had his hands down they saw something in his hand that could have been a gun, and that this is the justification for the shooting, and that well, the police have only a fraction of a second as one police commentator said to decide whether their life is being threatened or not.  But is this not the problem with some of these police shootings?  that police are feeling their lives threatened by being shot by a suspect who either has no weapon in his hand aimed at the police or many times do not even have a gun at all in their hands.

    The fact that the young man is a criminal and had been apparently involved in a shooting and even if he was seen holding a gun by themselves do not justify him being shot. The police seem to be willing to kill a citizen in many cases without true justification other than the fact that they want to protect themselves and virtually killing the potential for risk before risk even presents itself.  The guy had his hands up.

    13 Answers1 week ago
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    Help with rapist?

    My girlfriend was raped 3 weeks ago. She wss too scared to go to police because it was her mothers bf. Her family doesnt believe her that he did it but there is spread that he is a pedophile anyway. She didnt go to the hospital in fear and embarrassment and couldnt get a ride. We know its too late for a rape test kit. What else can she do to help prove he raped her? When this first happened she went to her schools guidance counselor and wrote what happened on paper becaue she was crying too much. They took the paper to the school resource officer. They didnt seem to investigate. What else can they do to prove he raped her? She doesnt want to go to the police because she thinks they wot do anything and it’ll happen again or he’ll rape her younger sister, who he lives with. What can be done to prove he did this? Can she ask for a polygraph test?

    10 Answers1 week ago
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    Why does a traffic cop need a gun?

    There are no "extenuating circumstances."   A red light camera covers red lights.  A cop can take a speed reading, get a plate and send you a ticket in the mail.  No appeals.  You don't pay?  You don't appear?  Your house gets blown up with you in it.  Traffic cops shouldn't even have to interact with the public.  Just read the meter.

    21 Answers2 weeks ago
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    What would happen if I did this to the police?

    What would happen if I started calling the police and asking them to send someone to change a light bulb, or unclog my toilet, or open a jar of mayonnaise.

    Lol what would come of that?

    7 Answers1 week ago
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    Have you ever kept information secret about a crime from the police?

    I remain secret about a decades old murder which involved a vigilante killing an undercover sex informant.  Others participated and helped cover it up.  Remember half of sex trafficking involves a cop.

    An ultraconservative lawyer named Kevin who fantasizes about Henry Miller's works and idolizes the late Robert Bork brought a phony engaged couple under the guise to buy a house in order to look for any evidence in or around the sump pump.  They looked in the wrong spot.

    4 Answers6 days ago
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    How do you confuse a tester with a gun?

    Favourite answer:

    You can't make a mistake.  They are in different holsters.  They feel totally different. One is cold steel and the other is PLASTIC.  They are just trying that EXCUSE.

    15 Answers2 weeks ago
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    Was what these cops did illegal? in texas!?

    My dad was driving without a license and has some bs warrants...but anyways.  The cops pulled him over for doing 1 mpg over the speed limit.  Thats the reason they gave for pulling him over.  So they arrested him...but thats not my question.  They did not give me any time to get over there before they towed his car.  I have a license, and im good.  Im 5 minutes away.  They towed the car within 5 minutes of arresting my dad.  How is that legal.  Meanwhile my mom was there trying to stop them.  she tried to stay in the car but they told her she had to get out or theyd arrest her too.  then the towed the car...withing 5 minutes..tell me thats not planned

    11 Answers2 weeks ago
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    Could I rob a muslim, using a pig?

    Say that I went into a little convenience store owned by a muslim.

    I go up to the counter and say:

    "Give me all your money or I'll shove this pig right in your face!"

    Then the muslim is like: "Okay man, be cool!"

    This has 2 advantages:

    1. I'm not using a gun or knife or anything so it's not really "armed" robbery, making the charges less serious if I get caught.

    2. The muslim would be unable to shoot me if he has his own gun.

    Because I'm holding a pig.

    If he shoots me, he either hits the pig and pigs blood spills in his store,

    or he kills me, causing me to drop the pig and the pig runs amuck in his store and the muslim has to chase it and risk coming into contact with it.

    He'd probably just give me the money, so I can carry the pig safely out of the store.

    Lol could this work?

    4 Answers1 week ago
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