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  • Cars Tyres size for Maruti Zen Estilo K10?

    My Estilo is running with 145 X 70 R13 tyres. I am interested in fitting with 155 X 80 R13 once. Can this be done? I think the ride will be much better.

    1 AnswerMaruti9 years ago
  • movie made on pearl harbour attack?

    I think there was a movie in which a modern US aircraft carrier when sailing enters in to the past ( in to year 1941) and notices another ship making attack on pearl harbour.The US aircraft carrier with it's modern methods foil the attack. Is it possible that any body can remember the exact name of the movie?

    3 AnswersMovies10 years ago
  • portable wind power generators?

    Is it possible to install a portable wind power generator of small capacity in a gallery? Our gallery gets a good wind almost 20 hours a day.It can help to run our PC,TV and one or two lights. Where can we enquire ? and what it can cost ?

    3 AnswersOther - Science10 years ago