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Lv 56,768 points

Mathew C

Favourite answers39%

"Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth, Before the difficult days come, And the years day near when you say, I have no pleassure in them. While the sun and the light, the moon and the stars Are not darkened And the clouds do not return after rain: In day when the keepers of house tremble And strong men bow down When the grinders cease because they are few, And those that look through the window grow dim When the doors are shut in the streets and the sound of grinding is low When one rises up at the sound of the bird And all the daughters of music are brought low Also they are afraid of heights And of terror in the way ...The Oats trees flower And desire fails For man goes to his eternal home...Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, For this is man's all. For God will bring every work into judgement, Including every secret thing Whether good or evil" ECCL:12 Also Rom:12 'Disdain relative truth cling to absolute truth.'

  • Question on American Healthcare?

    What is Medicaid and Medicare? Is it Social Security based care or is it something else? Please give details?Thnx.

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Who may be it that tampers with the Scorecard and deletes your Answers in this Forum?

    All my answers seems to be deleted, with scorecard tampered. Can someone tell me whether they had such experience before, if had what they did about it?

    If I expected this kind of a treatement, I wouldn't have joined the Answer community in the first place. I was on the 28% level into 4th level. I made some comments against some wrong answers from some Bigwig from Wharton, MIT and Berkely. So probably the harassment. Is it so that they can get away with anything inspite of their dud heads.

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • What is PSV syndrome?

    details of PSV syndrome

    3 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • Question of retained earnings?

    When companies don't pay dividends on large income for long and keep it aside in the pretext of protecting themselves from future competition, how do they actually protect themselves so with this without breaching antitrust laws?

    1 AnswerInvesting1 decade ago
  • How do you define a parabloid with the following given?

    x=squrare root of (1+cos2x) and y = 1+x^2

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • What is this sealing drive in Delhi Metros?

    Can someone help with the reasons for sealing of Shops in the Delhi Metros. Paper reports only the consequences not the reason why shops in residential areas should be sealed. Please help.

    1 AnswerDelhi and NCR1 decade ago
  • What is meant by 'Lapis Lasuli'?

    I heard of this name somewhere and cannot recollect where, please help?

    11 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Why do Airlines Advertise 'warm and motherly treatment'?

    Some say it is because the Airconditioner don't work and the hostesses are your mother's age, is it true?

    1 AnswerCareers & Employment1 decade ago
  • More on Black and Scholes?

    The hedge ratio is change in option price/change in stock price. When d1 of Black and Scholes formula gives this why should it be that it is diercted N(d1) as the hedge ratio?

    1 AnswerInvesting1 decade ago
  • Black and Scholes Continued?

    Kazink and Taranto has given some explanation for my question but both seems to be unsatisfactory. Taranto says delta is not given when I have given delta in my question as del. He also says option price and stock price don't move in tandem he says linear, but Eugene Brigham book on Financial Management and Biermann's book on Financial control treat the matter as linear which I believe is the latest theory. Even though this is hypothetical situation, I have tried with real life IBM options and it produces similar results.

    Kazink comes out with the cock and bull explanation about the block sale of 100 in which case let him rephrase my question as 1 block call option of 100 and stocks of 300 in which case the gain from sale of calls is 651 and loss in the stock is 2100 with a net loss of 1449. He said my calculation is wrong, only thing I have done here is raise the written call 3 times which makes it a block sale and hope this satisfies the reality but problem doesn't go away.

    1 AnswerInvesting1 decade ago
  • A question about Black&Scholes Option pricing ?

    Expiry Price =100, Stock price=107, time to expiry=15days, discount rate=0.05, del=0.06

    d1=ln 107/100+15/360(0.05+0.06/squrt.2)/0.06.sqirt/15=.072/.232=0.31.

    If I have 100 stocks to hedge I sell 31 calls from the above formula for hedge ratio d1 for say $7 price of option today and if price move to $100,

    gain from writing call = 31x7 = 217

    loss in stock = 7x100= - 700 with a downside loss of $483.

    If this is the case then how can d1 be the hedge

    ratio if it cannot protect against downside risk. This is te 'in the money' case.

    Suppose if the option is 'out of money' similar result happens without any degree of protection for downside risk.

    4 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago
  • What is the philosophy behind dancing?

    There are different kinds of dancing waltz, fox trott, pelican tango, tango, salza dance, bharath natyam, salza dance, wrap etc; etc; what do people get out of it other than some exercise and some disciplined time together? synchronous with the music, may be it is interesting to watch all those tangos and all. Please explain the spiritual content behind western and eastern dance forms.

    4 AnswersDancing1 decade ago
  • Is there any way to get out of Evil spells?

    Is the spells cast on one by witches other than traditional ones nuteralisable. It is time consuming and time negating this evil spells. Does everyone has the power to cast evil spells? if so how is it nuetralised. Does this come under Witchcraft? Or is it only traditional witches can cast spells?

    4 AnswersOther - Science1 decade ago
  • Is there any way to get out of Evil spells?

    How can evil spells be evaded? If spells are part of Witch Craft then is there any remedy for this. Can non traditional witches ie: those who don't belong to any organized pagan group cast spells. If so how can it be nuetralised.?

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is the easiest approach to learn playing Guitar?

    Some do it through chodes, some through scales. Is there a big picture one can see before starting and work towards it for example if you are a lead guitaritst then you look at the finger pattern of the chodes and do the strikes in the scale, in which case learning chodes first is good and what is the advantage of learning scales in the first place? Is there any good books available for this, if so pleas show the source.

    6 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • General theory talks about temporal differences and special theory on constancy of light, why is there so much

    There is a connection between the Micro and the Macro levels. One is constrained by the constancy of the speed of light when thought engines are created to answer special theory. Why is it that one can only work with the constancy of light and why is there so much confusion about this.?

    1 AnswerPhysics1 decade ago