Yahoo Answers is shutting down on 4 May 2021 (Eastern Time) and the Yahoo Answers website is now in read-only mode. There will be no changes to other Yahoo properties or services, or your Yahoo account. You can find more information about the Yahoo Answers shutdown and how to download your data on this help page.

Anonymous asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers Β· 1 week ago

Why did Yahoo Answers always restart your question limit at 8pm EST?

5 Answers

  • Pearl
    Lv 7
    1 week ago
    Favourite answer

    cause of where you are, where i am its 6pm, i think they shouldve let us have unlimited questions and answers if they were going to close down

  • 1 week ago


  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    Because that was mid-evening. It was 7:00 PM EST when not in daylight savings time so it is not always 8:00 PM.Β 


    As someone else noted it is based on the UTC--Coordinated Universal Time

    Β Β 

    My question is why is Coordinated Universal Time's initials not CUT?

    Β  Β Β 

  • 1 week ago

    When you have a global site the time zone chosen for anything is basically arbitrary

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    Because that is the new day based on the world time zone known as Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).Β 


    I was certain that Yahoo Answers would close down at 8:00 PM tonight. I just posted 5 questions I hoped to make the last in Yahoo Answers history and am disappointed it is not closed at 8:00 PM as I would have won with a question asking "Are your Christmas Decorations Still Up" and another question saying I was new to Yahoo Answers and wondering how it works and how I can get points. I really hoped that would be the last one.Β 

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