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Power steering pump whining . Will i fail smog?

My 2004 acura mdx power steering whining. My guess sill functioning somewhat haas steering still working not tight. Im cash strap right now but need to pass smog for registration. Need my car to work. Will they fail me for smog is power steering pump is whining?

4 Answers

  • 1 week ago
    Favourite answer

    A smog test has nothing to do with noisy power steering. 

    It will only fail the smog test if the power steering fails and won’t allow the car to be driven through the test station. 

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    The power steering pump will fail on your way to the smog station.  Get some power steering fluid and flush the fluid and see if it will fix it.

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    Whining usually indicates it's just low on fluid.

    Use a turkey baster to remove as much fluid as possible and replace it with fresh power steering fluid up to the full mark

  • 1 week ago

    No they won't fail you. If it was my car I'd go to Advance Auto tomorrow and buy a bottle of LUCAS power steering additive and suck all the fluid out of the PS pump reservoir with a turkey baster and put as much of the LUCAS as you can into the system. The LUCAS not only stops PS noise it also conditions the rack seals so you won't need to worry about the leaking. 

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