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Are there any other animes out there that have someone that's like Saitama. and they're very strong, but nobody notices it?

for example in one punch man, saitama is very strong, but nobody gets to see his power that much. If your going to answer with the anime Death March, then I already saw it. so please, answers?

1 Answer

  • Kamijou Touma from Magical Index. He has the power to negate all other powers. He lives in a School City for people with powers. His test results came back as no powers so he's labeled as level zero for no powers. There is an urban legend about him among the school about a boy who can negate other powers. Inside the school only like a hand full of people know he's powerful because he beat them up. Out side the school, a lot of magic users knows of him after he saved the girl named Index and became her protector. In Magical Index, there are two sides. The science side that are filled with Espers, people born with powers. And there is the church side, filled with magicians. Espers can't use magics, their powers and magic counters each other and they end up hurting themselves. Only one Esper was able to use magic because his Esper power is regeneration and rebirth. He can tear up his entire body using magic and heal back up as good as new. He's also the best friend of Touma. Magical Index has two spin off. Scientific Railgun and Scientific Accelerator. Railgun and Accelerator are two of the strongest Esper in Academy City and are famous compare to Touma. Railgun meets Touma because she goes out almost every night out of boredom and pretends to be weak and beats up thugs. Touma pretends to the thugs to be helping her but is really saving them from her. She gets irritated and tries to fight him and realize she can't hurt him. Accelerator meets Touma when Touma decides to save Railgun and her sisters' life from him. Accelerator loses to Touma, he realize he's not the strongest in Academy City. Rumor spread that Accelerator lost but no one knows who beat him. Accelerator also hates Touma because Touma is the hero Accelerator can't be.



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