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Lv 5
Jo asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 6 days ago

What are some benefits of Global Warming?

At this point, it seems like there's no way to reverse it, and we'd be better off trying to make the best of things. What are some potential benefits we could reap from it?

6 Answers

  • 6 days ago
    Favourite answer

    Certain regions, such as Canada, have lengthened growing seasons, so that can help with agriculture there. Also, in places where agriculture still takes place, extra CO2 should help plants--that's if they still get enough water and it doesn't get too hot. 

    We would still not to stop it from getting worse, or we'll be in big trouble.

  • 6 days ago

    There are no benefits!  Don't you people understand??!!  That is what big oil and Exxon want you to think!  Their conglomeration is The Organization, which even transcends big oil itself!  

    I should know.  I worked for them to post their propaganda right here on Yahoo Global Warming.  And now that I know their secrets, they want me gone!

    Do you remember all the posts about Neapolitan ice cream?  Do you think that was just some innocent enquiry about dessert?  No!  

    When I found out the diabolical plans of The Organization, I knew I had to make connection with my contact, Mister Grey.  The Neapolitan posts were in reference to the bad actors at The Organization.  They are so evil that they kick puppies and take Neapolitan ice cream cones from little girls.

    And now my life is on the line.  Michael are his men are closing in on me.  I need help.  Dirac, please help me.  Georgie, help.  How about Elizabeth?  You're a nurse.  Help me.  Someone.  Pleeeeeezz help me!

  • 6 days ago

    Hey Wease! How's it going?  They deleted your post about Koshka (We affectionately call him KoshKuck).

    I post in YGW a lot now, and Koshka don't like me. He's an obsessed loon. For some reason, he thinks I'm Little Nancy Ninefinger and that I bother you. My posting here drove him so crazy that he used the Yahoo search box to look up several of my accounts. He traced them back a couple of years and often made reference to them here. He even made bunches of screen shots of my posts. That's how he linked to you.

    Koshka has this bizarre collection of socks with all these weird personas. The main account is a guy called Dirac. He's a 60 year old fart who pretends he has a job. He pretends he's a father. His Koshka persona is this weirdosexual who also protects Dirac as a mommy.

    Do you remember my Montana account with the Buffalo avatar? Well, the funniest Koshka story is when I posted an email here, jimsmithbozemanmontana at the gee mail. Koshka/Dirac was so stupid that he didn't realize I made the email account 5 minutes earlier. He thought it was my regular account. He spent hours searching guys named Jim Smith in Montana. Apparently, he found a Jim Smith who owns an archery shop and decided it was going to be me lol.

    And yeah, I have seen the Koshka account fishing around the military section asking about me. I guess he's making one last desperate attempt to track my identity. If you thought Ninefinger was disturbed, you should see this guy!

  • 6 days ago

    well, near as I can figure, my stalker claims to live in Florida, so with any luck, with global warming,  Florida will be under water soon and maybe that idiot will drown. 

    That's the only benefit I can think of. 

  • 6 days ago

    Everything. You name it. 

  • Anonymous
    6 days ago

    Nothing really, polar ice caps melting causing flooding, storms. We might be able to reverse it if carbon emissions are reduced

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