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Lv 5
jijawm asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 week ago

Search for riots. Then search for peaceful protests. See anything unusual?

Capitol riot is the first result. Nothing about what's really going on.

If you want to find where the destruction is happening,  search for "peaceful protests".

What does this suggest?


Hooie, I definitely know the difference between peaceful protest and a riot, where national guardsmen are fired upon. 

Do you really believe that search engines are pristine, untainted by certain special interests?

Especially since the catch and release policies applied to vandals, looters and arsonists are juxtaposed against the treatment of the "insurrectionists"? 

What do YOU call firing upon national guardsmen, if not armed insurrection?

1 Answer

  • 1 week ago

    It suggests what everyone knows, but only few will speak of. You cant say anything about the senile babbling old man or you're a conspiracy nut, or Camel-La and you're a racist. The left wing media couldn't tell an honest story if their worthless lives depended on it.

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