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ron h
Lv 7
ron h asked in HealthMen's Health · 1 week ago

Men who sleep naked--when did you start doing that?

I've pretty much always slept naked.  When I was 4 or 5 and figured out that I was a man like my dad and he slept naked, I insisted on doing that.  I wore underwear when away from home or if i a friend spent the night.  If I've got a cold or something, sometimes I sleep in a t-shirt, but my dik is always free. 


?--You say you've slept naked since your dik got stiff.  When was that?  I remember random b0ners a1 11, maybe 10,  It was before I got bush which was around 11.5

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    every since my penis got s t i f f

  • Craig
    Lv 6
    1 week ago

    As a young teen.  I think everything down there felt better with more ventilation...less tangles and tugging and hair-pulling during nocturnal erection cycles and whatnot.  And fewer cases of this bit sticking to that bit due to perspiration.

    I wear pjs now, but only after getting so old that poor circulation makes my legs cold at night, even under the blankets.

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