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Anonymous asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 7 days ago

Do you know that Jim2, Dirac, David, Darwinist, Koshka, Ray, Scott, Otto, Cowboy, etc are all the same person?

So many stupid clues left by Dirac. The funniest was that he never could shrug off the needling. If they actually were different people, then they would have laughed off the accusation.

But Dirac couldn't laugh it off because he was totally unnerved.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 days ago


  • Olive
    Lv 4
    6 days ago

    Truly dumb that he spent his time here cultivating all those accounts.  What a waste.  Wonder what he'll do when Yahoo suddenly ends.  He might be blinded by the sun when he finally leaves his house after all those years behind his computer.

  • Anonymous
    6 days ago

    Ya but if they were all the same person, why are they all high levels??!

  • ?
    Lv 5
    6 days ago

    It would be quicker to just list the people who aren't him.

  • Anonymous
    6 days ago

    Dirac is also FSM, AIP, and Cosmo.

  • 7 days ago

    Ya, I'm on several forums and the accusations of socks fly once in a awhile.  But it only lasts couple of hours and no one takes it seriously.  It's only when you're guilty that you recoil and get defensive.  Don't burglars, robbers and others get defensive like that?

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