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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsSingles & Dating · 7 days ago

Is my son gay? How can I find out? He doesn't seem that interested in girls and had one girlfriend in his whole life?

4 Answers

  • T J
    Lv 7
    7 days ago

    MYOB.................its his life not yours.

  • 7 days ago

    If you disapprove of homosexuality then chances are that he knows it, especially if you attend a church which preaches against homosexuality. And he will keep it hidden from you as long as he can.

    He will only open up to you if he really believes that you accept gay men and that you are a safe person to come out to. Most gay guys long for accepting parents so that they can come out to them and bring their boyfriend round to meet the family.If you genuinely accept gay and lesbian people and believe their love is just as valid as heterosexual love then say so. But don't ask him or use the conversation as a hint that he should tell you. Let him tell you in his own time.

    But if you disagree with homosexuality then it wouldn't be right to pretend that you are accepting when you really aren't. What are you going to do if you find out? You can't change his orientation: conversion therapy has been shown not to work.

    But there are other possibilities. He may have been so hurt by this one girlfriend that he isn't ready to date yet. Or he might find it difficult to attract women, and just lucked out on getting a girlfriend on one occasion. Many parents can't believe that all women wouldn't love to have their son as a boyfriend, even if he is a total "incel" (involuntary celibate). And if he has difficulty attracting a girlfriend he will be upset if you hint that he might be gay.

  • 7 days ago

    maybe you should ask your son this question

  • Anonymous
    7 days ago

    do you want to find out? will your relationship be better if you learn something he would rather you not know? if so go look in his drawers and question him if you find any dildos or gay magz

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