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? asked in Home & GardenGarden & Landscape · 1 week ago

This plant's name please?

 Do you know what this plant is called? It is about 8 cm tall with small flowers. Here we're at the beginning of spring.

Attachment image

4 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 week ago
    Favourite answer

    It's not a bluebell of any sort, whether English or Spanish (Spanish bluebells are massive, anyway, so something that size could never be one).

    It's a squill (Scilla species), most likely Siberian squill. It's native to the Caucasus and Turkey, but is grown in all temperate climates as a decorative plant and often becomes naturalised.

  • 1 week ago

    Could it be columbine?

  • C
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    No, not English bluebells.  Those ALWAYS have white stamen and tight flowering heads with distinctive recursive points, just like the previous poster linked, but not these. Your flowers have blue stamen and the "bells" have opened up.  I think it's their cousin, Spanish bluebells, or possibly a hybrid, in the first or second year after a seeds has formed a bulb. English bluebells have a distinct scent, hybrids occasionally have a scent, Spanish bluebells don't have a scent.

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