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Is it safe to have sex while pregnant ?

My wife is 10 weeks along she's been begging for sex almost every night normally we'd do it 2 or 3 times a day. I do give it to her hard but I try to be gentle. She said she and her ex husband did it all the time when she was pregnant with their son. Is it safe for her to have sex while pregnant ? 

2 Answers

  • 1 week ago
    Favourite answer

    Sex is a natural human activity pregnant or not. The only time it's not safe is if the doctor says to abstain for whatever reason.  

  • 1 week ago

    invite the other experienced son into the room and he might have some good coaching for you. im an old breeder my self and some times we need to get some advice from a yonger horneyer generation. dont be ashamed. he can guide the shaft but he must not get to excited. if the sperm needs to compete with a third doner in her pusey then i am sure that will be a mess i dont want no part of.

    good luck and god bless

    Source(s): bred horses for fun when i was horney
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