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Should I go to a Cal State school or a CC?

I went to a community college to obtain my 60 semester units to transfer. I was going to apply to a state university but now I am having my doubts. The majors I am interested in are impacted. 

They said that if I want to get into nursing, that it would probably be easier to attend a community college again to do the nursing program. They even said I could do a dual program with a cal state as well while at community college.My biggest interests are nursing, journalism, and criminal justice. I like all three but I think nursing would give me the biggest edge in having a solid and rewarding career. Now I am not sure what to do?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago
    Favourite answer

    What nursing degree do you want? for an RN id go to state. healthcare is one of the best fields if you like that kind of work. you are almost guaranteed a job the rest of your life. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    You need to do more research and understand the costs involved.  There are a few community colleges that offer BSN programs, but most do not. Is that what is offered to at your's> There are paths from LPN to RN, so you should discuss that with the people in the LPN program at your community college.  

    If you need to get a bachelor's degree before applying to a post-baccalaureate BSN program, then you need to focus on that and on getting your upper division prerequisites.  You also need to look at costs.  Most post-baccalaureate BSN programs are at private universities what can cost $50K a year -- can you afford the extra time and money for those programs?From all you posts, it sounds like you aren't particularly academic or competitive, which means you may find a CSU program more challenging than you'll be comfortable with. If you are just looking for the fastest/least expensive way to get a paying job, then you need to look at more "vocational" programs like CNA and LPN.

  • 1 week ago

    I would try an integrated nursing program that involves both university and college experience. 

  • drip
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    Check other universities.  Is the problem your grades? Are they not high enough for the competition? 

  • 1 week ago

    Apply to the RN nursing programs at local community colleges as well as Cal States. Go where you're accepted. 

    If you are only accepted to ADN (ASN) programs, you can go back for a BSN; they have RN-to-BSN programs at many CSU campuses:

  • 1 week ago

    nursing slots at all the UCs are overfull.  Not so at the CSUs -- and I suggest checking the schools' placement rates for recent graduates before deciding.

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