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Anonymous asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 2 weeks ago

Which is actually worse- being overweight or being underweight?

I mean overweight from fat, obviously not muscle


But how would you stay thin in America if you ate too much junk food?

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Overweight is much worse.

    The body can live without food for weeks.

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Any extreme is not good.   

    Eat three balanced meals each day, two light meals and one heavier meal,  no in-between snacking. Drink plenty water and get some moderate exercise. After three months, whatever your weight is, is what it is supposed to be.  You should feel good.  

    At first you might feel a little off. At most that should only last 21 days.  After three weeks you should be feeling pretty good. 

  • 2 weeks ago

    the worst thing to be is being you

  • Andy C
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    Being fat means probably unhealthy. 

    Unfortunately,  in America,  most thin people are also very unhealthy. 

    Because we all eat the $#!+:

    Regular added sugars and white flour products,  as well as alcohol,  trans fats and corn-fed animal products. 

    We probably aren't going to recover from this.   We're too addicted. 

    It's unfortunately not a rant.

  • 2 weeks ago

    More than 10% under or over weight is equally bad for your health.

  • 2 weeks ago

    What are the medical advantages of getting thinner?

    In case you're overweight or fat, getting in shape can diminish your danger of some conceivably genuine medical issues.

    The vast majority who need to get thinner can get medical advantages from losing even a modest quantity (about 5%) of their weight on the off chance that they keep it off.

    Medical issues connected to being overweight

    In case you're overweight or fat, you have a higher danger of:


    coronary illness


    type 2 diabetes

    a few sorts of malignancy


    back torment

    How can I say whether I need to shed pounds?

    You can see whether you're overweight by computing your weight record (BMI). This shows whether you're a sound load for your stature.

    Work out your BMI with the BMI sound weight number cruncher.

    The size of your midsection is likewise significant. On the off chance that it's too huge, your danger of medical conditions is higher.

    See For what reason is my midriff size significant? to discover more.

    How might I shed pounds securely?

    The most ideal approach to shed pounds is to make little, sensible changes to your eating routine and how truly dynamic you are.

    Get tips on the most proficient method to begin getting in shape

    The measure of actual work you ought to do relies upon your age. For instance, grown-ups between the ages of 19 and 64 ought to complete 150 minutes per seven day stretch of moderate-force active work.

    If you want to know some of the best products that work really well, check them out here: (just copy and paste this link in your favorite browser).

    Below is a photo of someone that's used these products, and shared results for everyone to see:

    Attachment image
  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Both can be harmful to you over time. Neither really is a good way to live but some people its their genetic make up that they cannot gain weight or they cannot lose weight. 

  • 2 weeks ago

    Muscular people who aren't fat, are not overweight.  

    It's better to be a little underweight than way overweight.  

  • 2 weeks ago

    Both can be equally unhealthy.

  • 2 weeks ago

    My Doctor told me years ago that it's marginally better to be marginally overweight as opposed to underweight.  If your underweight it can effect your menstrual cycle (if your a female human of child bearing age), can make wrinkles appear sooner, being slightly overweight plumps wrinkles, makes cheeks appear smoother and you appear to look younger too.

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