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Am I being watched and/or listened to?

Hello, Internet.

After two years of unexplainable disappearing items and bizarre coincidences, I may have found evidence that someone is listening/watching my home. Today I downloaded a Bluetooth scanner app to help me find some headphones that curiously vanished, but instead I found a crap ton of unnamed devices and a device labeled “F2”. The three things I’ve been able to find for “F2” are headphones (not the kind that went missing), an RM transmitter, and a field recording device. Could this be evidence that someone has listening/video recording devices in my home? 

Attachment image

4 Answers

  • 2 weeks ago

    When you search for things to help you find non-existent problems,  

    keep in mind that every second you spend is wasted,  

    and if you buy anything every cent is likewise wasted.   

  • 2 weeks ago

    Paranoia,,yes !!

  • 2 weeks ago

    No The bluetooth scan is totally meaningless.

    Bluetooth has a range of between 10 to 100 metres, depending on the devices and obstructions.

    You could easily be seeing other peoples devices in neighbours houses or in passing cars & items carried by pedestrians in nearby streets.

  • 2 weeks ago

    Not likely

    Just bluetooth devices in the neighborhood.

    But as with ANY wireless device, it's not difficult to hack someone's wifi or bluetooth

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