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Anonymous asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 3 weeks ago

My 102 year old grandfather died three months after getting vaxxed. Still think vaxxing is safe?

22 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Being 102 years old he could have died any second of any cause.

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    It was actually suicide. He thought it better to be dead than be around someone as stupid as yourself.

  • Sam
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    There are people dying every day of something.

    Did you think that when people are vaccinated for COVID they quit dying of everything. 

    It's a COVID vaccination,  not a death vaccination.

    I've had both COVID vaccination shots, and when they have a vaccination against death, I'll get one of those too. 

    Well, maybe not, I don't think I want to live forever. 

    Source(s): Your grandfather had already passed the average age of human expiration. He was living on borrowed time and already had one foot in the grave. You should be happy for him, he doesn't have to listen to your wacky theories anymore. Or actually your theories might be what kept him alive for so many years. Laughter is good medicine and he probably found you to be hilarious.
  • 2 weeks ago

    he was on his way out before the vaccine

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    No. I trust NO vaccine of any type. I know the basis upon which they work. I’d usually rather take my chances with the disease. But neither is GETTING Covid safe so... . 

    I didn’t want to get the vaccine because I really don’t socialize with anybody anyway but then I ended up getting it from my son who socializes with his friends and none of them wear masks. So I may end up having long-term consequences from it because I’m in that old age range myself having become a father at a fairly late age. Now I’m reading about all the COVID “long haulers” who seem to have an array of permanent problems including but not limited to cardiac, lung, cognitive issues, etc  for long after they already got over the initial Covid infection. So I don’t know, I may end up being one of them. As if I didn’t have enough issues already.But hey, you roll the dice and whatever comes up comes up. I took the gamble of no vaccine and if I have compromised my  health and/or die sooner because of that, I guess that’s just the way it goes. Nothing is guaranteed in life is it? At least I can say I had control over my decisions and didn’t let somebody else make them for me even if the consequences aren’t the best. For some reason that makes me feel better to be honest. I’ve had a lifetime full of being f cked over by doctors and psychiatrists and their poison health-destroying drugs and surgeries to ever want to place myself in a position where I submit to their incompetence and profit motives and end up getting totally messed up by all of that as I already have in the past. No more of that sh*t for me thank you. Captain of my own destiny from now on even if the  roll of the dice goes against me.

  • 2 weeks ago

    He died because he was 102. Sorry for your loss.

  • garry
    Lv 6
    2 weeks ago

    he probably died when the nurse said i will give you my needle and you can give me your needle , she likes the feel of it going all the way in and the squirt at the end . a nurse saying that would kill anyone vaccine or not ..

  • adam
    Lv 5
    2 weeks ago

    plenty of people have been vaxxed you mental midget. He died cause he was OLD 

  • Andy C
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    Yep.  This proves that everything antivaxxers say is true.

    Better publish it or call your local news station. 

    Well, you probably don't believe in them,  but...

  • Pearl
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    dont sound like it but if he was that old he mightve died anyways

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