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Anonymous asked in Social ScienceEconomics · 3 weeks ago

T or F: Technological innovation is the only source of economic growth?

4 Answers

  • Oiy
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    F, starting from the oldest theory which confirmed that a routine and continuous investment will create growth. The later Solow model insisted the high saving and investment rate as a capital formation and growth. Moreover, the model confirmed that higher birth rate and improving technology will create growth. The latest growth theory has also confirmed that growth is based on education and consecutive acts. Also it is continuous improvement of technology. However, the growth model of the Asian Tigers are export oriented policy and foreign investment. The technology will come along this line.

  • 3 weeks ago

    Don't forget labor, government and human ingenuity.

  • Zirp
    Lv 5
    3 weeks ago


    Most economic growth is due to getting deeper in debt and spending it

  • Ray
    Lv 6
    3 weeks ago


    If a community gets to work and plows down a forest to then farm the land, they will have an increase in crops which increases the economic wealth and growth of the community. 

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