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Anonymous asked in Education & ReferencePrimary & Secondary Education · 4 weeks ago

How do I get through my high school graduation ceremony?

At least 100 students will graduate. I'm rank #5 so my name will be called very early on. This means I have to sit there and listen to at least 95 names being called, one by one. Boring and I can't use my phone. I also have to listen to the principal's speech, the salutatorian's, and the valedictorian's. Plus, there's a picture slideshow to commemorate the school year. It'll take forever.

6 Answers

  • drip
    Lv 7
    4 weeks ago

    Oh boo hoo. At 18 you can not sit through an event. If you are so upset and and so bored about it all don’t go. Skip the graduation ceremony. Problem solved.

  • 4 weeks ago

    the form of protest you can take is to not show up.  of course, your parents will be furious.  it would show great disrespect for the other class members.  you can do this ...

  • Tavy
    Lv 7
    4 weeks ago

    dreadful, poor you. If you ever get a job with that attitude you will forced to attend training for hours. tell them it must be quick and you will be looking at your phone because you get bored easily.

  • 4 weeks ago

    Well poor you, Booboo, isn't it just awful that for one day of your life the sun, moon and planets aren't all rotating around your sorry, entitiled @$$? Suck it up. You aren't the only one involved. 

  • Anonymous
    4 weeks ago

    Don't worry, you'll get through it. You're lucky to not only be at the top of your class, you should also be happy there's a real ceremony.  Also, the speeches are important, so listen up, because they're not boring.  If you are smart enough to realize that the graduation ceremony is not an inconvenience, and that you get get through it without your phone, then your future looks promising.

  • 4 weeks ago

    by realizing you wont have to do that every day or just dont go

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