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I want a tattoo, husband doesn’t agree?

I’ve been eyeing a very specific and meaningful tattoo (small, 2 square inches on my forearm) for a few years. I finally decided to get it, and my husband says that it’s a horrible, stupid idea to get a tattoo of any kind on and part of my body. He says he hates tattoos and will hate it every time he sees it. He does admit that it’s my body and I can do what I want, but that he will always hate tattoos. For now I’ve told him I would respect his opinion and not get it, but I feel resentful and sad. Who is right in this matter?

29 Answers

  • 2 weeks ago

    I don't like Tattoos 

    So I understand how your husband feels.

    But you should diffintly do what you want 

    If you respect and Love your Husband and you know this will bother him

    Is it that important to do.

    If it is then DO it....

    Good Luck

  • 2 weeks ago

     it's your decision.There is no right or wrong. You have agreed to disagree

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    Spouses who demand anything of their other are dip$hits.  Your husband sounds like a dip$hit.  Is he

  • 3 weeks ago

    Your husband said he doesn’t like tattoos, but said you had the right to get one.  How could he be wrong? 

  • Anonymous
    4 weeks ago

    Someone's going to be resentful and sad either way. He's going to be resentful and sad that you chose to disfigure yourself, then you're going to be resentful and sad that he thinks that way. I bet you can find another, better way to identify with whatever it is.

  • 4 weeks ago

    Your hUSBAND IS RIGHT  if you get one and he hates it he will soon hate You

    I told a Girlfriend i hated Tatooes Fact My Opinion

    she said Nothing we went to the beach there was a Butterfly on her Hip

    I went Home she Phoned me and said all that Fuss over a Tiny Butterfly

    Wrong the Fuss is You Lied

    If Your Husband Hates Tattoos don't get one n

  • drip
    Lv 7
    4 weeks ago

    You asked his opinion and he gave it. Neither of you is wrong.

    If you still want a tattoo go get it.

  • 4 weeks ago

    I would get a piercing instead of a tattoo because piercings are removable and tattoos are forever.

  • 4 weeks ago

    ''Meaningful tattoos' are always pretentious and laughable. Your husband knows it. You lack the class to know it too.  Maybe he'll leave you...... I would. 

  • ?
    Lv 6
    4 weeks ago

    You are definitely correct and should be able to do as you please with your body and appearance.  I think you husband is flexing his muscles here.  If you get the tattoo, he will easily concede and life will go on as normal after he comes down to Earth.  Go for it he'll back down.

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