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Lv 5
jijawm asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 month ago

Where do I sign up?

In a fresh twist on the Biden administration’s decision to house illegal immigrants at hotel facilities, crunching the numbers on the $86.9 million that is set to be spent on 1,239 beds shows that the cost to U.S. taxpayers will be nearly $72,000 per border-crosser housed.

“That works out to $71,666.67 per migrant, paid by your tax dollars, meaning that you are now a co-conspirator to one of the largest smuggling schemes in history,” wrote Andrew Arthur, a fellow with the Center for Immigration Studies, a conservative policy research nonprofit.

I think I need an all expenses paid vacation. 

1 Answer

  • 1 month ago
    Favourite answer

    Its a sad, sad state of affairs when Covid infected, illegals are treated better than American citizens. The Biden administration wants to flood the country w/ illegals, set up a massive welfare system for them where the US tax payer will foot the bill and give them the vote in return for your money. A LOWLIFE SCAM OF THE GREATEST PROPORTIONS AND A STAB IN THE BACK TO ALL AMERICANS

    Dems care nothing for the American citizen and nothing about these illegal. We are all just pawns used to secure their power

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