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Anonymous asked in Social ScienceEconomics · 1 month ago

if the US economy crashes, will there be more riots? how compared to 2020? why?

will there be a civil war even? how and why?

5 Answers

  • Oiy
    Lv 7
    1 month ago
    Favourite answer

    It should be because no one will stay put to see the robbery. In 2020, the Dems have shown every one that they were aggressive.They robbed and destroyed everything. Now the other side of the coins are well-prepared to protect themselves and their families. They won‘t just see their towns to be destroyed forever reasons. They have bought the guns and the bombs.

  • JuanB
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    Lol.  Like there is some great US Economy going on right now that hasn't already crashed over a year ago.  

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    Trust me, with Biden's put America last policy there'll be riots before he's finished.

  • 1 month ago

    There will be no crash, rioters do not need a reason; but we are ready for them. Never again there will be an insurrection at the Capitol. 

  • 1 month ago

    Coming for guns will be the trigger...unless they cannot feed the cities...then all bets are off...Hunger is a great motivator...

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