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Rik asked in Business & FinanceCorporations · 1 month ago

Is it possible to destroy foundations of Microchipping of one blows up the right building without hurting people?

Just curious? If that became a movement is all. People who dont want big ego techs implanting these things in humans for corporate greed etc. What building would be likely a good target to end corporate sponsorship of it?


It would be labeled as environmental terrorism though... or at best terrorism based on buildings or something

4 Answers

  • 1 month ago

    That won't stop anybody.  Insurance and tax deductions cover any losses and they will keep on doing whatever they will do.

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    Yes, it's simple: Take down all the conspiracy sites that spread garbage such as "microchipping" and other loony nonsense.

    And long term improve education so people can tell fiction from fact!

    Most of the stuff the conspiracy sites claim is totally impossible with present technology and a lot of it may never be possible, it's fantasy.

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    Implanting? How? ******* idiot.

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    I hope you get mental health treatment before you commit 17 crimes including murder.

    Attachment image
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